Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wedding Invitation Wording English-spanish

Video Selection

Gotta forgive all my time without updating the blog, but also leaving the inspiration I have not much time. Today I bring a series of videos on various painters, hope you like ................................. .................................................. ................ -ON VLADIMIR KUSH- -ON- Joaquin Sorolla -ON- VICTOR VASARELY -ON- Paul Cézanne

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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Luxembourg Palace

Today I want to comment on this palace, to facilitate the practice of modern art s my class comrades. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. To begin, we must comment that this palace now houses the French Senate. This building was built for Marie de Medicis, between the years 1615-1624 by the architect Salomon de Brosse . Apparently Mary was widowed a day after being crowned runs. To get away from the intrigues of the court who was then residing at present we find the Museum of Louvre, decides to seek alternative accommodation, more worthy to his position as ruler, and also reminded him of the Florentine palace of her childhood. Queen in 1612 managed to buy the home of a duke in the area, called François de Luxembourg . A Despite his attempts to call "Medici Palace", the palace was always known by the name of its former owner. The works begin in April 1615 and in 1624 with the architect Salomon de Brosse, who had to make reference to the Pitti Palace in Florence (the birthplace of Marie de Medicis). The Pitti Palace was formerly the principal residence of the Medici dynasty (see next photo). The entrance is located to the north and the main facade faces south and overlooking the Jardin du Luxembourg . For the realization of the gardens also had to buy and demolish other residences, and only after the death of Maria de Medici, to the late eighteenth century, the gardens reached a considerable size. The Jardin du Luxembourg is the most central and most popular park in Paris. It is neoclassical, with streets arranged symmetrically around the central octagonal pond. We know that the palace was extended several times, but does not change very much for your appearance. However, to accommodate the Senate in 1969, needed to build individual offices for each senator and several meeting rooms and administrative offices in addition to adapting to the taste of the twentieth century the basic amenities. On the other hand, both the palace and the gardens were the vicissitudes their owners, and were almost deserted on several occasions. The palace was converted into a prison at the outbreak of the French Revolution. During World War II, the Germans used it as barracks and built a bunker in the garden. Original garden is only a monument: the source of Maria Medici (see next photo).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Peruvian Hat With Fur


The movement known as Fauvism (1904-1907) was formed by a group of artists formed mostly by Gustave Moreau. These artists continue the path set by the Post-Impressionists (the main features from of neo-impressionism and Paul Gauguin). These artists are attracted to bright colors, bold (as Fauvism is COLOR). be unveiled at the Salon d'Automne in Paris in 1905 under the name Fauves. Some features of this movement are: * The drawing color is released (since the drawing is as a secondary aspect) * Investigate the theory of color (primary, secondary and supplementary). * without the use of tonal gradation and chiaroscuro. * Summary of forms. We found a gestural painting, spontaneous. * We have a distortion of reality. * Interest decorativism (it is a aesthetic movement.) * NO break the harmony and order. Ultimately, this movement is a mosaic of contributions in which each artist was rushing his work as a personal experience full of spontaneity. I joined the violent attitude with which they faced the conventions of the time rejecting the rules and established sound methods. The Fauves believed that through the colors could express feelings and this thought made its way to paint. Not seeking representation naturalist, but enhance the color value in itself. The main protagonists were: Andre Derain, Henri Matisse, Albert Marquet and Manguin Henry. Then we will watch and discuss some examples of Fauve works: -luxury, calm and voluptuousness-HENRY MATISSE This work is a good example to observe even the presence of the pointillist technique, characteristic of the movement Neo-Impressionist. Since this work belongs to the first moments of this new movement. But surely what is most striking is the presence of color. We find a composition where presominan horizontal and vertical lines (sometimes intersect). It is a work that is well structured (in this sense are still very classic). On the other hand we must not forget that this is a very decorative piece (remember the characteristics discussed above) . -GREEN-STRIPE HENRY MATISSE This time we find a picture (especially the portrait of his wife). At first glance, we are struck by the use of a brush, paste, unlike the work we mentioned before (see an evolution in the paint). Never mind the anatomical details of the person represented, but represent that person by the color. Another major important factor is light. In this work we find a separation between the part that is lit and the one in shadow, and this is marked by the green line we have in the face of the woman. Thus we see a clear differentiation of lights.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Possibilities For 3 Number Lock

Fauvism Mausoleum of Maria Cristina of Saxony

This mausoleum was made by the great neoclassical sculptor Antonio Canova alrrededor of 1798-1805. To begin we must mention that the neoclassical art sought the representation of forms of classical antiquity. Where the proportion and symmetry are the main features of the moment. both graves and mausoleums, the drama of death and not reflected (as happened in the world of Baroque). Is looking for peace and harmony of the whole. Works are often extremely severe, particularly those of Antonio Canova (characterized by the blankness of his figures). ................................................ .................................................. ............................. The mausoleum of Maria Cristina of Saxony is located in Vienna, and draws attention to the form it takes, because is pyramidal (remembering that evocation of an architecture dedicated to death.) see in the figures on the left an old man leans on a young girl symbolizing virtue. On the right side we find the winged genius, but also considered the angel of death. is worth noting that in this mausoleum we have the representation of the 3 ages, where death does not discriminate. We have figures that are on the processional. On the other hand, in the top of the Mausoleum we find a medallion that refers to the late Maria Cristina of Saxony (is depicted in profile, typical position of the medals and coins of classical antiquity.) This locket holds him a figure symbolizing a virtue related to happiness. is true that the top of the assembly is in contrast with the message that we are at the bottom. We primarily a search for balance.