When he was only 9 years old, woke up my fascinated by the archaeological world. Influenced by movies like The Mummy or the Indiana Jones trilogy . life has led me to explore a wonderful career: ART HISTORY , but ... Why we can not specialize in archeology and the history? It is still a mystery to me, because I think we are just trained them to recognize the various historical periods as well as various objects. And after this paragraph, I will talk about archeology.
Archaeology is an evolving science. If he had raised a few centuries ago what archeology, the answer was almost unanimous, and archaeological research would have been related to the history of ancient art. archaeologist was considered a unique character, out of his time, his mind last oriented. But today is not so. The first question many would answer that the archaeologists' work is useful for reconstructing the history of the distant past or future. Currently, demand for an archaeologist who bring to light not only works of art in particular, but also documents, materials on an objective basis to reconstruct the development of a civilization. We can not have direct contact with the ancient world if not through the findings, sometimes made casually or literary evidence we have received from different civilizations. A question that frequently arises is the archaeologists on the research methods that lead to the discovery of an archaeological site. You have to respond that sometimes make important discoveries by accident, during agricultural work or with increasing frequency during construction. However the archaeologist's work does not depend on chance and investigations are carried out according to proven methods. How do you get time to make a discovery? First, you need to check everything that has been written about the area to be investigated, including a valuable archival documentation, and since not all findings have been published can be helpful notes archaeologists, antiquarians and scholars of the past. Another important step is the recognition field, where the existence of any remains of ancient structures or fragments of material (ceramic, plaster, tiles, tiles ...) could indicate an occupation in antiquity. The excavation goal is not only bringing to light a building or a work of art but also to understand the relationships between the monument and the context to which he belonged. The excavation thus becomes one of the major research tools for the archaeologist. However, the archaeological data acquisition inevitably involves the use of destructive procedures. Land has always been sealed in layers called strata or stratigraphic units (EU), and through them the archaeologist goes back exactly the way using the stratigraphic method. sediments that gave rise the layers can be of the anthropogenic (generated by human action, such as construction, demolition, fire or accumulations of materials), or wild type, caused by orogenic events (deformation of the crust), erosion (water and wind ) and catastrophic. stratigraphic excavation follows standardized procedures, so that can be applied in all places and all times. In recent years archaeological science has made great changes, especially the use of methods and techniques increasingly evolved and combined with other disciplines. Since its birth as an independent science, archeology has made use of methodologies of other disciplines such as geography, anthropology, sociology and linguistics, and has also earned the collaboration of biologists, chemists, doctors and geologists. historically dating allows us to frame an object or the layer where certain terms have been found post quem and ante quem context. In many cases it may help establish whether it is a forgery. The archaeologist, who can not always have elements that facilitate dating, to undertake it must also use for laboratory analysis. The different techniques used depending on the material to dating, dating can get all type (ie, calendar dates expressed in years from now) or relative dating. The main techniques for dating relationships are stratigraphy, seriation and chemical analysis. Sign most widely used techniques for absolute dating (also called chronometric) are the carbon 14 (radiocarbon), the potassium-argon and employing thermoluminescence.
Firstly we must stress the promoter of this work, Federico da Montefeltro (1422-1482). This character was a condottieri Italian Renaissance and the Duke of Urbino from 1444 until his death. is important to note that in this work is represented, but showing her left profile (as always appeared depicting him), because during one of his first campaigns lost his right eye, leaving a big scar. So shows his good side. " As the painter, who was Piero della Francesca, to comment that is considered the first attempt to systematically apply geometric perspective to painting. ................................................ .................................................. ..................... -ANALYSIS OF WORK- The composition scheme is as follows: in the center we see Mary with the child asleep in a strange position. On each side of the virgin saints observed at 3 and 2 angels. The scene takes place in a space dominated by a distinctly Renaissance architecture, especially the barrel vault is closed in a shell from which hangs an ostrich egg. The coffers are decorated with floral elements and have a considerable relief, creating the feeling of being in a palace rather than a sacred space or celestial. light illuminates all the figures, reinforcing the sculptural character and contributing to the formation of space in the scene. It also serves to increase the effect of autonomy of the characters even when very close to each other, each one is distant from your partner. The virgin is larger than the other characters, and Federico de Montefeltro it is placed further out to respect the sacred aura that is created around the Virgin and Child and saints. ................................................ .................................................. ...... -SYMBOLIC- INTERPRETATIONS * EGG: hanging egg on top and pointing to the child's navel, you can attribute many symbolic meanings. It can be understood as a symbol of life and birth, and hanging from a shell (symbolizing fertility). You may also symbolize the sign of a virgin birth. Moreover, the painter may have chosen this symbol of the perfect geometric shape. * COLLAR: the baby Jesus held in his hand a red coral necklace, which refers to the blood. Is a symbol of life and death, but also of the salvific function linked to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.