Bulma Vegeta Doujinshi Translated
On the Victory of Samothrace -Victory of Samothrace-
-ca 190 BC
-Material: marble from Paros / /-Dimensions: 328 cm (wings included) / /-Source: Samothrace (an Aegean island)
.............................................. .................................................. ..................................... is a sculpture of a Nike or Victoria , you just lean over the bow of a boat, and this is related to its function (I will discuss later):
see as their clothes are swirling in the wind a fine JITONA marino.Viste tied with a knot under his chest, pressing the fabric. The endless folds of the dress light flow around the body, stick to the chest and abdomen, suggest and enhance the beautiful female form. The composition is open
, look at the sculpture the diagonal and
curves, which produce imbalance. Up front, the figure twists and opens into the two long curves of the wings. Side view, there is a great diagonal line that would link from the leg to the head loss. The dynamism of the composition complete with the multiple and delicate curves of her dress. Impetuous movement of the Nike is expressed in the cloth that flutter and fly and the wings to the sides and back. The sculptor wanted to capture the instant it lands on the prow of a ship:
modeling forms is achieved with great expressiveness. The artist has been able to express perfectly the wind whip effects on the body of the goddess, with a anatomical study of technical skill . The Lightweight clothing, from "wet cloths " attached to the body, candle shapes and loads of sensuality and mystery, becoming more beautiful body of Nike. The play of light is emphasized in the fold, creating strong contrasts of light and shadow. regard to its function: to commemorate the naval victory Rodens on the fleet of Antiochus III of Syria. is said that the sculptor was Pithócritos , little-known sculptor of Rhodes College. We can not claim authorship, but we know that this sculpture was made in the school of Rhodes. In these schools were made works around a city. PD: post made with the help of THIS website!
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