Saturday, March 12, 2011

Maxi Mounds In Las Vegas

Primal Sanctuary fortune

Before we start talking about this sanctuary, we give a brief historical context.
We are among the II-I centuries BC In this period there is the conquest of Greece by the Romans. The Romans are going to use the Greek forms to their buildings, but using new elements. Roman In this new society there is a new architecture that uses new techniques, arches and vaults. As well as new materials: concrete and brick. is important to note that there are new types associated with the amenities of the new society, such as bridges, aqueducts, baths ... Furthermore we will to find a number of shrines, made on the outskirts of Rome. ................................................ .................................................. ................. -SANCTUARY OF FORTUNE Primal- This shrine is placed in a sacred place. It has a certain propagandistic character. highlight the small temple located on the top, which was dedicated to the goddess Fortune. Currently Roman architecture was still being tested. We have Influenced by Greek society. This shrine is built through a series of terraces. Each terrace is a structure itself. This is linked with the idea of \u200b\u200bascension, both physically and metaphorically. Regarding the latter, we can comment that the shrine also observed a steering shaft, which also dominates the symmetry. Moreover we have a series of parallel barrel vaults placed on the large terrace (before reaching the kind of theater). We also colonnades predominantly Greek orders, but simply fulfilling a decorative function. The Romans for the exterior of the buildings used the "paint" that led to the tradition, although the interior of the buildings were totally innovative (vaults). Porches carry barrel vaults, instead of using wood beams used by the Greeks. The Greeks knew the vault but did not know exploit. This shrine is also played with theatrical elements (forms of architecture itself, the idea of \u200b\u200bascension ...) be accessed via ramps at the ends of the assembly. Then there were also steps on the ends. At the next level is going through another ramp with a barrel vault roof (this ramp was dark and narrow, which only saw a small light at the end of the course. It was like a divine way of connecting with the world of the Gods). Upon exiting the ramp deck were to re-climb a staircase to reach a large outdoor terrace, which connected with the theater and the small temple dedicated to Goddess fortune.


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