Sunday, December 7, 2008

Games Orange Shark Arlogin

Essaouira, a Portuguese fort protecting a medina and an endless beach to Kite mountainboarding to practice.

Note: If you are thinking of a trip to Morocco , I recommend you visit the Morocco guide we have written recently to .

addition you can also consult the guidelines Fez, Marrakech or Casablanca. The

light is always clear and clear in Essaouira. There are seven in the morning when sliding on the base of the window and begins to gently caress. Getting up so easy. Just you join, you'll sandals and leggings to the kitchen to make orange juice. Nothing worries you, you have time and know that I wait a day where are you going to do something you really love. You

looks out the window and you have to close my eyes. Another day, think of bright blue sky, sun, and these almost certainly north wind of twenty knots. Sales

the small balcony of the apartment you've rented for very little money, and you realize that actually flags walk and are moving merry, dancing and trying to get away from the mast that holds. Only 7.30 and already well, you think, this is going to be a good day to fly kites. Probably the "cult" of 3.5, but still I dare to do something big.

back to the kitchen and finish breakfast, going to be so only non-Moroccan meal of the day. Eggs, toast and fruit. When you finish you put on a bathing suit and sneakers and jog to the beach. At one end of the bay is the medina, with its white houses and walls Portuguese.

You give away thinking that every day you spend here will seem even more beautiful. Opposite you, the beach, white sand, fine, hard and flat. Perfect for running. 've Never finished because it has more than 20 miles and then have to return. The only problem here is that running the way you have the wind at the back and curse your usual optimism when you come back, gritting his teeth, fighting against an invisible wall that slows your pace constantly.

Back "home" sweating but happy. Go straight to the shower. If you do a little more heat but we would bathe me in December, and although very good time compared with Spain, the Atlantic is cold. Leo quietly for an hour. Of course, a book by Paul Bowles, writer that made me fall in love with Morocco even before I came.

Cuñado calculation to be midnight and I think the wind has reached its maximum level, fix the rucksack with kites and mountainboard. Yes, I know that right now everyone is crazy about kitesurfing. But who says we have to be all equal or we have to like the same things?

I get to the beach in two minutes. This nearly deserted. The distance is a tourist walking around and behind them the kids of people trying to sell rides. Me and leave me alone. Know me and know the horse I need is that which underpins the seagulls lazily over the port.

I leave the backpack and mountainboard on the floor, I pull the anemometer and do my particular ritual. Calculate the wind speed. We are at 20 knots with gusts up to 25. I bend down on several occasions, I take heaps of sand and let quality slip through my fingers to check the address. The day seems perfect because the wind has rulado also now comes from within, which means I'll be able to sail back and forth from the beach and overlooking the sea which is what I like. Also watch the sky for clouds suspicious. I acquired the habit when I lived in Holland (there are always clouds in the Netherlands). This is not necessary, but it is a good habit. Saco

kite. My favorite. It is maroon and blue with a white stripe separating the two colors. Gave me after my accident and I have never given the slightest shock. From all I have, is the most noble behavior. I turn away about 25 feet in right angle to the direction of the wind with the kite in one hand and the way in the back pocket. Kneeling, unfold the kite first one side, the right, placing piles of sand in the lower lip of the kite so that it is beached. I again amazed at what I like the feeling of putting your hands in the sand and allowed to drain slowly. Repeat with the opposite side.

then fixed with a simple knot lark ends main and brake lines to the kite. Back on my feet completely unraveling until I had left my backpack. I place the controls. Before putting the "leash" safe once again I scan the horizon, pick up everything in my backpack and put it back.

Everything is in place. Now. I stand around the wrists the leash, gently lift controls while incorporating a subtle and moving forward wrists and taking a slight step back, the kite is released from the sand and inflated immediately. The sound is precise. It is as if breathing. He quickly throws up. As a rocket is placed at the zenith and simply suggesting some resistance to the right, the kite is stuck just above me.

always does the same and I seized the moment to breathe and relax before starting. Although it may seem silly the next few minutes I am dedicated to make sure everything is in order. I do a series of figures on the right side, repeat on the left side. Always avoiding the potential window principle. The kite pulls. Of course it does. Is a traction kite. But this so well designed and managed so easily that is a breeze to keep it in the safe areas (the sides and the zenith).

I make a couple of tricks this time across the power window. I make a couple of jumps, taking the kite quickly from one side to another, running in the opposite direction and pulling strong control on the same side when the comet will have passed. I've done it a million times, but the feeling when your feet leave the ground, always makes me happy. It's like having a regression to childhood. I repeat again and again and not lose the ability to move you. Wear

zenith the kite again and get ready to ride in the mountainboard. This to a couple of feet from me. I walk, looking down, while still keeping with small finger movements on my kite. I put one foot in the stirrup of the mountain. With a few movements of the ankle sink until it is fully engaged. For a moment I look back at the comet and stabilized. Amount the second foot into the bracket. Breath and start to descend a little to get the kite down. The most difficult times are the first, until you catch the momentum and you can hang a bit your body to counteract the force of the wind.

do not have force only make it stretch your arms and let your weight do the work. The first meters going slowly, taking the kite very high, but then the bass a little more and start doing figure eights with her. No need to make them very long because there are plenty of wind and within seconds the speed is considerable.

The next half hour I devote myself to get carried away by the wind. No tricks or belting attempt against the wind. My only interest is to enjoy, feel the wind, the sun on my face and feel free. I walk six miles in which I have come across no more than three or four strollers. Everyone looks at me with envy face. Probably because they see my face of happiness. Home

way back on the road, practical tricks and try to slip small jumps. Have not mastered and certainly not dare to think about doing saltos forward or backward as I've seen him do in the videos on youtube. Also since I broke my clavicle I decided to have fun without risking too much. The cult is behaving beautifully, as always. This time step over my apartment at the end of the ride and decide reach the same people. Nearby are some kiters who is preparing to enter the water. We waved. From the promenade around the village children to their mothers make gestures indicating the mountainboard. I'm sure they're trying to convince them to buy one.

For an hour I devote myself to gird, lead, and learn to surf for and windproof. Today the wind is very favorable, but you must learn to go in all directions for brother wind is perpendicular to the beach and always have to go upwind and climbing.

Sweating and exhausted, I decide to stop and get the kite to the ground. Also a twinge in my stomach reminds me that it's past three p.m. and I have not eaten anything since breakfast. Pick up the kite quickly and I leave the port. Like a fried fish stand for about three euros. The boats leave daily and, therefore, the fish are really cool. When I finish I go to the plaza and I take tea. The waiter bored with the lack of tourists sit and talk with me. I have seen on the beach and asks me about the comet. I suggest you come a day with me and that I can teach. But he does not seem to be very clear and looks askance at mountainboard like a wonderful device and equally dangerous.

When finished, go to the market of the medina. Buy vegetables, spices and chicken. Tonight I want to cook a tagine. Happily walking back home. For a moment I have the temptation to return to the beach to get the big kite I have come down a little wind. I reject the idea immediately. I am a bit tired and I have to write a while before I make dinner.

already in the apartment, I wear comfortable clothing and bare feet. I prepare a coffee and sit on the computer in front of the window. Before you begin, go to the kitchen and start preparing the vegetables and potatoes over low heat. The whole house is flooded with the smell of olive oil and spices. I write for about three hours, but my gaze was diverted to the beach many times and people that can see the bottom until it's done at night. When I finish I call

My girlfriend could not come. I tell my day and I think that I had not done anything special. However, how I like it that way all my days!.

I put a little music, and dined quietly with a glass of wine. El Tajin has taken more than three hours to take, but it was worth. I read a while and then I go to bed. It's eleven at night and, for Morocco's too late. Tomorrow will probably repeat the schedule, although I have to go cut my hair and if I'm very moody as he encouraged me to go to hamann to give me a massage. I fall asleep in a few minutes. I'm not tired, but quite relaxed.


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