Monday, December 15, 2008

Roland Microcube Sabbath Black Setting

rereading old blog entries

Funny rereading old blog entries. My old electronic music recommendations, preparations for moving to Amsterdam , my first adventures with kites and climbing, travel and post some occasional posts on books.
The truth is time to do many things (and write about it) when one does not work. I would like to continue writing daily reading 40 books a year, traveling more often and commit and climb without stopping. However, in perspective, and although not perfect, I am satisfied with the fact. Sometimes when I meet think that in April two years of living in Amsterdam I think the time just slips through your fingers.
At this time, I've become an average climber. I have a remarkable physical shape, despite the recent problems in my knee that I can not run like before. I live in an interesting city and I have many friends. Professionally, Tomtom feeds me, but I have also started a project (buscounviaje) that could combine in future need for revenue and passion for travel.
I'm missing things, of course. Sometimes it's really cold in Amsterdam. And to have someone to share problems and joys probably help to define my life situation .. happy.
My short term goals are.
  • Going to Zaragoza Christmas and January Morocco (I have purchased tickets.)
  • Consolidate Project (buscounviaje).
  • be more organized as to what tape. All possible minor problems with the law, banks and telephone companies disorganization derivatives with me are accumulating.
  • change apartments in Amsterdam again (mostly by my friends who want to be closer to the center).
  • 7a Complete a project to me is resisting.
  • Back to read and write daily, instead of watching movies on the computer every night.

medium term, I'm mulling over a move back. This time the south. Very south. For now, the idea is to Cape Town. But I will not go alone. I have to take a friend here. We'll see if I can convince them. I'm free, nothing really ties me to Amsterdam, and I can afford it. I just need a little courage. I hope to find.


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