Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Is This New Stomache Virus Going Around

hobbies Looking

Deciding to make a climbing course for over two years (it was the first thing I did after leaving my job as a consultant) me reported a hobby that has become a passion and a handful of wonderful friends. Almost nothing. As for my other hobbies, kites and skateboards, I have a little abandoned the harsh winter given Dutch.

However, at the risk of returning to feel that I keep running from one place to another without actually enjoy things that I want to find a new hobby like rock climbing, to be shared with more people, do as a group, but cultural.

Work on the site brings me great satisfaction. Two days a week I devote myself to read about the history of countless countries, I find political situations and investigate its tourist attractions. However, it is a solitary activity. I spend with myself writing in this blog or wherever, and reading. I will continue doing forever, but I do not base my life on hobbies that I locked myself.

The other day I saw a friend (climber), participating in an improvisational play. It was really fun and brought me good memories of the feeling you have uploaded to a scenario discussed in public. The difference is that you did with your friends, plan for fun and comedy, and I sold boring project management consultancy that, with few exceptions, I liked them.

When completed la obra, nos tomamos unas cervezas y el tío estaba pletórico. Feliz. Yo le miraba con una envidia sana y no hacía más que darle vueltas a completar mis actividades semanales con algo similar. Eso sí, tiene que ser algo que, como todas las cosas buenas en esta vida, sea gratis o casi gratis.

Hasta ahora las opciones que se me ocurren son;

1. Hacer algún curso de producción de música electrónica (llevo diciéndolo siglos y no termino de hacerlo)
2. Apuntarme a algún grupo de teatro (aunque aquí tendría problemas con el idioma)

Pero tiene que haber mil cosas más. Muchos de mis amigos de Ámsterdam se dedican a actividades relacionadas con la cultura, design and, in general, creativity, and I'm going to consult. Of course, if someone reading this post have any idea will be well received. Well get to work.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How Much Would Be Tvs Be On Xmas

decisions I make Psicobloc

Making decisions is not easy. Especially when one considers his own life in terms of project but not sure exactly what results to be achieved.
In that we. Moving by intuitions rather than certainties. More to avoid what we dislike, and we do not want to do more, that having found the path we follow. Still ... On the Road (search) experienced feelings of all kinds. Intense happiness and loneliness that's scary.
However, do not give a lot of laps. I know the road I took at the time (or perhaps better said, the road ditch to go'm not sure where) there is no turning back. And basically, I'm happy to do so. Nobody says to wake up (at least it seems to me that happened to me) is easy or always pleasant. But worth it. Ultimately, to me, pay me.
In terms of concrete, now I decide where I live. Following is a possibility in the Netherlands are pros and cons. The climate, the absence of mountains and language are barriers (no mistake, for the full intehración, must speak Dutch). The friends, the atmosphere relaxed and cosmopolitan city pros.
And if not, what?. Back to Spain, although it would be the easiest thing, I would return to enjoy the sun and climbing in some of the best places in the world, nor does it seem the solution. Not yet, he says a voice inside me. The world is very big and there are so many things to see and experience. Back to reality known me as a failure seems almost essential (but not).
elsewhere. Difficult, but probably the best solution. It is difficult for two main reasons. Firstly because there are not many places in the world where it is easy to start and have all the ingredients that I would like to tell (as I write this makes me very kindly). In addition, and as important or more, I'm afraid it alone.
When you take all the decisions and what I came to Amsterdam together with the person I thought I'd share a life. A companion to this adventure. Adventure. The only one we have. But only .. could be, should be will be .. but it costs more.
I have also to be more efficient. Persevere and give myself more on the projects I have in hand. Contribute more, raise the profile, take responsibility, work, but something I love.
seem only good intentions, purpose of amendment. Without emabargo, my recent experience taught me that when you take the time to reflect on what you want and a list of specific objectives, although not perhaps in the short term, you met.
I wrote this in a long post, but I still have a list of good propóstitos 2004, in which everything had been fulfilled. Things that at the time seemed attainable. Some, indeed, like living in Amsterdam (read foreign), which now seems so obvious and simple.
Anyway .. I return to use this blog as a public psychotherapy. Sometimes I consider as some of my friends are so secretive with their ideas or feelings, and I always write better or worse, but shamelessly.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Poptropica - Counterfeit

In recent days I've discovered a new sport, Pscicobloc , which got me mad. I can not wait to get the good weather and go to Mallorca to do this ....

is curious to be English, spend all day climbing (or thinking about climbing) and living in Amsterdam. Yesterday I was watching entevistas famous climbers like Chris Sharma and David Lama and all speak of Lerida, Huesca, etc. .. as some of the "meccas" the worldwide escalation. For years I lived an hour away from some of the best climbing schools in the world and had no idea.

But while that makes me doubt, still has not arrived yet. Leap over in Spain when I "retire" from this race I'm not sure where. For the moment, to kill the bug, in March one week I jet (Málaga), and this summer a visit to Mallorca is not going to escape.