Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Like To Meet Sara Jay

Note: If you are thinking of a trip to Amsterdam , I recommend you visit the Amsterdam guide we have written recently

Many things have happened since I last wrote on the blog. When it appeared that began to take a run ... I spent a month without writing a letter.
I will begin by the end, the last thing that has happened is that I have knee surgery. Took several months with problems and, ultimately, by the end boulder to annoy me. The meniscus normal position blocking external tendon and my leg was in a funny way of "L". At first I did not know what to do and went to a physiotherapist I was seeing lately (and which warned mehabĂ­a I had to stop climbing). After some manipulations and attempts to reposition the thing on artisanal plan (and quite painful), we decided to leave.
The next day I went to the hospital and they recommended the operation. Arthroscopy. It was originally planned that lasted 40 minutes but turned into almost three hours (I have not yet quite clear why). When I awoke from the anesthesia I was told that the news was not all that could be favorable. They had to cut a large piece of meniscus and that means that, although I will recover fast and I can play sports without problems in the future I can have arthritis in that joint.
Well. I'm getting along. Took two days on crutches, I walk, I try to enjoy the sun that has finally come out in Amsterdam, and dedicate time to other things he had abandoned, such as writing in this blog.
I will come in handy to stop a bit of climbing. I was training hard and taking it too seriously. Of course, I will continue with it when I get better, but trying not to hurt me.
The city is beautiful. We moved again and we are now flat Rozengratch in the center. My sister has spent a couple of days here to "take care" and had a great time hems. All my friends came to visit me at home and as we all talk in English, the poor end up with an intense headache trying to understand both what we said.
The truth is that I have luck. On the day of the Queen, when everyone was celebrating and I had a paw "cool", I received a lot of visits. And yesterday the same, after the operation we met on the terrace of my house a lot of people eating ham and drinking beer.
addition to the transaction, this month I have been busy .. But perhaps most remarkable is that I have made a major life decision. I decided that I return to Spain to live in Barcelona and involved 100% in the "buscounviaje."
So, after two years in Holland, I think this stage is coming to an end. Every time I walk around town I get a sadness at the thought .. I love my life here. But I also like to reinvent myself and the challenge of raising buscounviaje is incredibly stimulating. Also in Barcelona will have mountains and good weather.
is very difficult to describe feelings I produced this change. But the decision is made and I have hope that the next stage will be at least as positive as this. Why not?.
Anyway, I do not move until July 1 .. so I'll be writing a post from here. Especially now that I have less chances of making outdoor activities a few days.


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