Saturday, March 15, 2008

Airforce Rifle Silencer


is hard to write something about the post 200 in a day's hangover. Last night, as usual in recent times, I lie after work with some colleagues of "training." Then I met with the English of my team, and finally, as he had not metiese me at home, with Jose, Simmone and a Belgian to whom I gave a lot of the plate. Conclusion. Drunkenness. Lucky Stop at the corner to buy a "megextrasupercheeseburger" night of strange dreams.

I have little headache, which is very important since account that I ran out of paracetamol, and do not know where the hell is the nearest pharmacy. I put music from Johann Johannsonn (IBM 1401 A User's Manual), a genius, I prepared a coffee and be in the "manner" appropriate to write something about these last 100 new post.

Comets, travel, broken collarbone, life in Holland, perfect moments on a bike, any downturn in mood, life projects, job search, electronic music sessions the Havana Room in the Getaway, views received, Christmas in Spain. Nearly fifty post on India. Even me, I am the author, I lack the courage to re-read it to me and correct. Besides, I have bittersweet memories when I think of India. Hard to explain, much less publicly. Reviewing the post are the issues that have occupied the last months of my life.

In that time I met many people, in addition to strengthening the relationship with Indha, Ashley, Veli, Marja, Sergio, and the English, especially with David and Jose (a Simmone and the story as English). The training became very good friends the two Italian (Giuliana and Rita), Israel, Erwan (French) and myself. At work are a lot, so I will not name them, but I have welcomed. Of India travel to retain the friendship of Marko, Kim and Babette (although the latter is impsible have it more than five minutes in front of a computer chatting). Also Akiko and Hiromi (who, incidentally, I owe you a mail). To this list we could add many new acquaintances. Can not be counted as friends, but as people with whom I spent pleasant moments.

Obviously n life is a race or meet new people, but something is happening to me at this stage of pseudouniversitario I'm wearing and I think that brings me things.

course nothing is perfect. I miss some things he had before, and above all, to anyone. There are things I want for my future and I have not yet. But .... So it is not bad. Having goals helps you make life more interesting. Insatisfccion some moves. Although, of course, if you take it to extremes, does not let you enjoy what you have, are or feel.
the moment, and waiting to find the balance, I'll stick with regressive therapy I'm doing lately. I'll try to find some answers looking more inward than outward. So get ready for boring posts talking about past trips or meaningless thoughts. Some tell of Amsterdam, of course, but now with I'm not finding much work time to post, so in these issues will be brief. Well. A for another 100!


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