Monday, March 24, 2008

Can You Get The Stomach Flu While On Your Period

Road to Panama

Note: If you are thinking of a trip to Panama , I recommend you visit the Panama guide we have written recently to .

Exactly one year later, on August 8, 2006, we set the new path toward Central America. This time, the main destination was Panama chosen, but as we had been last year with the thorn stuck unable to visit Corcovado, we decided to spend five days of this trip back to Puerto Jimenez (Costa Rica), our particular paradise .
had been left behind one year demuchísimo work and stress. Things had been, objectively, reasonably well. We many customers, a team of ten consultants working on projects and economic performance acceptable for a business unit created out of nothing.
On the negative side, a work rate increasing, rather than a Director who was engaged to help discourage people who were striving to take things forward and in gneral, the feeling that, deep down, I wanted to be somewhere else and doing other things.
During the year, I was forced to start doing other things outside of work. I bought some skates and went to the park almost every day of the retreat, just five minutes from my house at night. On the basis of practice I get to have an acceptable level, and even people looked at me when passing by a "caper." My friends laughed, because I tried to explain to them how happy I felt when rolling backward heard electronic music with my Ipod. Of course I felt much better than when he signed a new contract.
also going to run enough to get back into shape physics. He did both in Madrid, also in retirement, as he traveled to see my clients. I remember with special pleasure races Beach San Lorenzo in Gijón or Sardinero in Santander. In the first of which also was where for the first time I saw a guy with a traction kite and a skateboard, rolling down the sand. It was a few months until I decided to include this interest on my list, but since then had the bug, and did nothing to find videos on youtube and information on specialized sites. I had to learn to do that and out.
also had quit only a month after returning from Costa Rica. If I wanted to change his life and enjoy a new life, I had to get rid of that yoke, and to feel that the body responded to the desire to do things.
To complete the collection of updates, I sold my car and I bought a mountain bike. Used it for sports and weekends to handle, despite the huge risks involved, and Madrid.
Many around me watched these changes with amused curiosity. Overall, they thought, you still have a conventional life, work and do not hurt anyone if you skate backwards like listening to electronic music. So the alarm has not yet emerged. However I already had almost decided what I wanted. I wanted to leave everything behind. It was not to make the decision before the holidays. Perhaps, I thought, this feeling of longing for freedom and have time to devote myself, have to do with that I am very tired of the whole year. Perhaps holidays make me see things more clearly.
Anyway, I spoke with my director and warned him of my intentions and that after returning, would probably take the decision not to continue with the company.
In this spirit, I made the trip to Panama, watching guides and websites throughout the month of July. This year we would travel by public transport, in order to have more contact with the local population. Still another change would be that we would visit fewer sites and would have more time. We had bought tickets to the August 8th round trip on 31 so it was three weeks, and only we would go Bocas del Toro, a archipielgo in the Caribbean, Guadeloupe, a village at 2000 meters above sea level Volcano Baru, Corcovado (Costa Rica), and, at best, a site more to decide on the fly.
What did we did, was to return to the hotel to book in advance. Moreover, given how tired I was, and spared no expense, especially in the case of Bocas del Toro is looking for a truly luxurious place to relax and enjoy the deserved rest.
Fortunately, in the past year, Central America was popularized as a tourist destination in Spain, and in contrast to the previous year it was impossible to find direct flights, we could now choose between Iberia and Air Madrid ( were still alive at that time). We chose the Iberia flight (about 700 euros) and, although still with a stopover in Miami, we went from more than twenty hours "only" twelve.
The flight was eight in the morning. We levantamos muy pronto con una ilusión tremenda. Ni siquiera hubiese hecho falta ponernos despertador. Mientras desayunabamos en el aeropuerto no nos podíamos creer que había llegado el día. Por fín. Tres semanas de libertad. Otra vez en centroamérica. Además, esta vez, el viaje iba a ser aún más auténtico porque teníamos mas experiencia y habíiamos planeado completar el descanso con muchas actividades físicas. Yo me veía a mí mismo corriendo por en medio de la selva y haciendo kayak de isla en isla.
Nos cogemos de la mano, subimos al enorme 747 de Iberia, buscamos nuestros sitios y nos ready to enjoy every moment of the coming weeks. Here we go and no one can stop us, warning us of a meeting pending, or sign contract. Bye, bye! I promise to always take the phone off!


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