Saturday, March 22, 2008

Brunton Laser Range Singer

Days 11 and 12 Sol, Playa Tamarindo and love.

For that we are going to cheat, our core business the next two days in Playa Tamarindo were, quietly take the sun, swim, give kisses and us romantic videos, those of you never thought to do (what a corny!), but one day he finds himself happy to be the protagonist and one of them.

Viewed in the distance, I have the temptation to say that I wish we had not done (it hurts to see any of them), but then, instantly, I say that is nonsense, and it is good to remember the moments of happiness that you had.
also found a superb restaurant on the beach where prepared, but priced a bit high, great salads and tuna shashimi. We pasamo there for lunch and dinner both days.

Nearby, there were some beaches that are supposed, were among the best in Central America. Highlighted a named Playa Conchal, that instead of sand, which forms the beach are millions of tiny shells of all crustaceans. However, although I feel a little ashamed to say (what a pair of adventurous!), We were not any. We were told that the roads leading to them were hard, and I was too tired to drive.

Those two days, we toured the village, went to the beach and went to have a drink at the trendy bar in town. All of all "relax." Compared to the rest, Playa Tamarindo, is a fairly tourism operators. There are many souvenir shops, clothing, a luxury hotel, restaurants and even bars for tourists, surfers and most Americans.

hurried forward to those days with a total of rest. We knew that the return of these very short holiday we expected, the stress, the days of twelve hours, constant travel by plane to get to meetings, presentations, signings, etc ... Not that I liked my job (he spent Rachel and the same) but the level of demand and pressure was so high that rather than a job, had become a slave. Even when it was assumed you were having success, things did not improve but just the opposite. Dying of success they say ... Well yes, that's what I felt at that time. And he was sure that if he continued the same way each time would be more difficult to release.

rental, although short, we had actually served to disconnect from "real" world. Indeed, had found its way into our minds the idea that this happiness, enjoy walk barefoot on the sand, travel, learn new things, atardareces view while listening to the sound of jungle life should be normal, and not the other. We knew we had to go back, of course. but when we looked into his eyes, the two understood that something had happened inside of us on that trip. really had the urge to stay. drop everything and move on. We did not, but we noted in our agenda and begin to prepare our "escape."

A year and a couple of months later, after another trip to Panama, I left the job. In the following months, I bought some skates and a bike, I sold my hitherto beloved car. Soon I began with kites, climbing. Resume my reading habits and, ultimately, I began to prioritize the things I liked doing to me compared to my supposedly "brilliant career." In addition, little by little, I began to replace some of the traditional values, in which I was educated and where there were believed by others. Every time I cared less what the "people" (etendido as social pressure) thinking. The money or the possession of things (house, car, permanent contract) came to seem completely unnecessary things. However, being able to fulfill some dreams, they seemed to me a goal worth striving.

have time. Time do things you enjoy doing. That's what I needed. Time and energy to, first, imagine dreams and, secondly, to carry them out. Rachel and I looked at each and we understood. We had been so happy these nearly two weeks, we hardly thought possible.


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