Sunday, October 31, 2010

Motorcyclist's Butt Wax

was a movement that occurred in Europe in the eighteenth century as a reaction to former World Baroque. The eighteenth century is a time of great change, since the Enlightenment seeks to end the baroque exaltation and scenic character, with the personalization of power and especially with the decorative excesses of the Rococo. Neoclassicism (1750-1800) responds to this need and the service architecture of rationalism, order, harmony and humanist principles. In essence, this is a return to Greco-Roman antiquity. ................................................ .................................................. .......................... For furniture, designers that inspire him back to Greek and Roman sources rather than to the Renaissance, but gladly adapted to the eighteenth century. neoclassical furniture were simple and geometric with straight legs that were shaking round or square section. In neoclassical furniture used different ornamentation such as medallions, denticles, moldings Corinthian, Ionic or Doric and wood were used as ebony or mahogany.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

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Megalithism: mounds in Galicia

the length and breadth of Galicia are scattered thousands of burial mounds, which are often easily discernible in the landscape. Its shape is approximately that of a spherical cap which has a funnel on top. Its plan is circular, with a tendency sometimes elliptical and its dimensions are variables. A relatively large number of mounds shows the existence of a camera, composed of large stones, sometimes covered by a large slab. These mounds, known by the names of Mamo, Medon, Modi ... spread throughout the region. The cemeteries service is only death, as some may have served as a witness not only the community of the dead, but of the living. ................................................ .................................................. ................... -MAIN FEATURES OF ARCHITECTURAL TOMBS- are constituted by sediments and rocks, sometimes presenting a ring of stones around its perimeter basement, but are also known rings around the chamber. In some instances the mass tumulus is covered with a paving stone as a shield that only exposes the large stone chamber cover. The role of the shell and the rings has been subject to several interpretations. The shell is attributed to a protective order. Serves several functions in the service of monumentality, such as preserving primitive shape and dimensions of the monument and, by the nature of the stone, marking the contrast between this and its environment in a hit. Next comment different parts: basal * Ring: in some monuments can see a ring of stones that marks the perimeter of a mound made of sediment. This type of basal ring is granted 2 functions (a protector of the mound, so that it does not lose the shape and dimensions at the bottom, another ritual would be defining the architecture with respect to environment-the world of the living- .) * Central ring: so far are little known, as is necessary to locate a careful excavation of the tomb. But really its scarcity and development support the view that their presence is not necessary from a strictly functional point of view. * Inner ring: is supported on the external surfaces of the stones of the chamber, so that its apparent use seems obvious. Camera: an important part of the mounds inside houses in central position, a stone chamber composed of regular or large size. Often has a hole or a gateway connected to a broker who communicates with the outside of the mound. 's Carmen is the area where they concentrate the findings of the trousseau, normally located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe monument and in some cases the painting and prints are limited to this hidden interior. * Broker: usually is short to the point that it can sometimes raise questions funión. In a few cases has achieved great development and artistic expression as a print or painting. In the next picture you can see different types of mounds:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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The "holy two croques"

It is generally known the "Holy two croques" the statue located in the sculpture of the Portico of Gloria (inside of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela). The statue shown kneeling behind the mullion base of the porch, on the axis of the central nave of the cathedral, which worships at the altar of the basilica. Is considered to represent the teacher Matthew. This belief arose hit unique liturgy (slightly) the front against his head to acquire, in a kind of magic, some of his wisdom and skill. This sculpture has the same curly hair with some statues snails of the Portico de la Gloria (as the prophet Daniel). This statue faces the altar of the cathedral of Santiago. He wears a thin coat wears his body part, wearing a cloak fastened over the shoulder. With his right hand striking the chest and the other holding a large cartouche in which, as writers of the mid-twentieth century, was inscribed the word "ARCHITECTVS" (now deleted) that was supplemented with incised letters still visible mullion in the basement, "FEC" stands for fecit, ie identifying this character with the architect of the work. It would thus be the master himself Mateo, devoutly kneels before the St. James to offer his work. If true this interpretation the "Santo dos croques" would be a new advance of such a great teacher who, perhaps for the first and solemn, introduced into the English art of the donor's presence is not who responsible for the work, but the artist who take pride in his work.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How Many Wifi Devices Can My Router Handle

Chronicle of a visit to Paris

-23 September: we took the plane (with delay) to Paris. After a few laps to go the airport, take the train to get us closer to the city. Once we got to town, we prepare to take the subway which took us to our hotel (it was not easy ...) -24 September: early start after we dared to take the metro again (!) to reach our first destination: the Louvre Museum. We spent 6 hours there Inside, we stopped a few times to rest but the rest we enjoyed watching the wonders there are exposed (particularly the rooms devoted to ancient art.) After you watch museum-like palace, we were strength to rest in the park that was next to the Louvre, watching the arc of the carousel. Back home, we decided to make a small detour to see the church of Notre-Dame, because although it is all worth it to see it restored. -25 September: early start again. We returned to catch another subway brought us to the Musée d'Orsay. This time we were not so long inside the museum, but enjoy much as the Louvre museum. Once seen the museum, we went to the church of the Madeleine (pretty much out in my opinion) and after being horrified by the souvenir shops that are inside, we left. -26 September: early start as usual. Metro and every day (this is becoming routine haha). But for a change away from the center of Paris to visit a "small" church known by many and that is very important. We are talking about the church of Saint-Denis (where he says he began the Gothic). We had to await the completion the liturgical act in order to access places where you previously could not be (crypt and head). After spending half an hour watching the beautiful stained glass in his head, decided to go down to the crypt, where we find many tombs (some of them linked to French monarchs). Of note is the tomb of Clovis at the head of the church (the founder of it). the afternoon of that day, we returned to central Paris to visit the Pompidou (modern art museum), where we could see an artist named Arman who exposed some of his works related to the art of the postwar period (2 nd half of 1950). But the most interesting thing was reserved for the final, a huge room dedicated the many avant-garde s.XX. I could not contain the excitement of being in front of several works of Wassily Kandinsky himself (!!!!!!!!!) -27 September: early start. Metro to downtown Paris. This time we had the opportunity to witness a unique exhibition at the Palais Royal on the impressionist painter Claude Monet, and they brought works that are not normally provided. After waiting for a queue of about 2 hours, get to see those works that are dispersed throughout the world. Later, at the exit of the exhibition we went to a small chapel located in the heart Paris, we are talking about the Sainte Chapelle (unfortunately his header is under renovation until 2013). It is best to go and meet with the explosion of colors caused by the numerous windows that presents the chapel. -28 September: early start. Metro to downtown Paris. We could not leave Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower (as is traditional at all tourists), so that we comply with the regulations. also decided to approach the church of SAINT GERMAIN DES PRES, well marked and known in the area. the afternoon we returned to Spain, our beloved city SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA. certainly an unforgettable trip. I send greetings to my companion on this trip. PD: home sweet home (with regular prices lol)