-23 September: we took the plane (with delay) to Paris. After a few laps to go the airport, take the train to get us closer to the city. Once we got to town, we prepare to take the subway which took us to our hotel (it was not easy ...)
-24 September: early start after we dared to take the metro again (!) to reach our first destination: the Louvre Museum. We spent 6 hours there Inside, we stopped a few times to rest but the rest we enjoyed watching the wonders there are exposed (particularly the rooms devoted to ancient art.) After you watch museum-like palace, we were strength to rest in the park that was next to the Louvre, watching the arc of the carousel. Back home, we decided to make a small detour to see the church of Notre-Dame, because although it is all worth it to see it restored.
-25 September: early start again. We returned to catch another subway brought us to the Musée d'Orsay. This time we were not so long inside the museum, but enjoy much as the Louvre museum. Once seen the museum, we went to the church of the Madeleine (pretty much out in my opinion) and after being horrified by the souvenir shops that are inside, we left.
-26 September: early start as usual. Metro and every day (this is becoming routine haha). But for a change away from the center of Paris to visit a "small" church known by many and that is very important. We are talking about the church of Saint-Denis (where he says he began the Gothic). We had to await the completion the liturgical act in order to access places where you previously could not be (crypt and head). After spending half an hour watching the beautiful stained glass in his head, decided to go down to the crypt, where we find many tombs (some of them linked to French monarchs). Of note is the tomb of Clovis at the head of the church (the founder of it). the afternoon of that day, we returned to central Paris to visit the Pompidou (modern art museum), where we could see an artist named Arman who exposed some of his works related to the art of the postwar period (2 nd half of 1950). But the most interesting thing was reserved for the final, a huge room dedicated the many avant-garde s.XX. I could not contain the excitement of being in front of several works of Wassily Kandinsky himself (!!!!!!!!!)
-27 September: early start. Metro to downtown Paris. This time we had the opportunity to witness a unique exhibition at the Palais Royal on the impressionist painter Claude Monet, and they brought works that are not normally provided. After waiting for a queue of about 2 hours, get to see those works that are dispersed throughout the world. Later, at the exit of the exhibition we went to a small chapel located in the heart Paris, we are talking about the Sainte Chapelle (unfortunately his header is under renovation until 2013). It is best to go and meet with the explosion of colors caused by the numerous windows that presents the chapel.
-28 September: early start. Metro to downtown Paris. We could not leave Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower (as is traditional at all tourists), so that we comply with the regulations. also decided to approach the church of SAINT GERMAIN DES PRES, well marked and known in the area. the afternoon we returned to Spain, our beloved city SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA.
certainly an unforgettable trip. I send greetings to my companion on this trip. PD: home sweet home (with regular prices lol)

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