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The "holy two croques"
It is generally known the "Holy two croques" the statue located in the sculpture of the Portico of Gloria (inside of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela). The statue shown kneeling behind the mullion base of the porch, on the axis of the central nave of the cathedral, which worships at the altar of the basilica. Is considered to represent the teacher Matthew. This belief arose hit unique liturgy (slightly) the front against his head to acquire, in a kind of magic, some of his wisdom and skill. This sculpture has the same curly hair with some statues snails of the Portico de la Gloria (as the prophet Daniel). This statue faces the altar of the cathedral of Santiago. He wears a thin coat wears his body part, wearing a cloak fastened over the shoulder. With his right hand striking the chest and the other holding a large cartouche in which, as writers of the mid-twentieth century, was inscribed the word "ARCHITECTVS" (now deleted) that was supplemented with incised letters still visible mullion in the basement, "FEC" stands for fecit, ie identifying this character with the architect of the work. It would thus be the master himself Mateo, devoutly kneels before the St. James to offer his work. If true this interpretation the "Santo dos croques" would be a new advance of such a great teacher who, perhaps for the first and solemn, introduced into the English art of the donor's presence is not who responsible for the work, but the artist who take pride in his work.
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