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Megalithism: mounds in Galicia
the length and breadth of Galicia are scattered thousands of burial mounds, which are often easily discernible in the landscape. Its shape is approximately that of a spherical cap which has a funnel on top. Its plan is circular, with a tendency sometimes elliptical and its dimensions are variables. A relatively large number of mounds shows the existence of a camera, composed of large stones, sometimes covered by a large slab. These mounds, known by the names of Mamo, Medon, Modi ... spread throughout the region. The cemeteries service is only death, as some may have served as a witness not only the community of the dead, but of the living. ................................................ .................................................. ................... -MAIN FEATURES OF ARCHITECTURAL TOMBS- are constituted by sediments and rocks, sometimes presenting a ring of stones around its perimeter basement, but are also known rings around the chamber. In some instances the mass tumulus is covered with a paving stone as a shield that only exposes the large stone chamber cover. The role of the shell and the rings has been subject to several interpretations. The shell is attributed to a protective order. Serves several functions in the service of monumentality, such as preserving primitive shape and dimensions of the monument and, by the nature of the stone, marking the contrast between this and its environment in a hit. Next comment different parts: basal * Ring: in some monuments can see a ring of stones that marks the perimeter of a mound made of sediment. This type of basal ring is granted 2 functions (a protector of the mound, so that it does not lose the shape and dimensions at the bottom, another ritual would be defining the architecture with respect to environment-the world of the living- .) * Central ring: so far are little known, as is necessary to locate a careful excavation of the tomb. But really its scarcity and development support the view that their presence is not necessary from a strictly functional point of view. * Inner ring: is supported on the external surfaces of the stones of the chamber, so that its apparent use seems obvious. Camera: an important part of the mounds inside houses in central position, a stone chamber composed of regular or large size. Often has a hole or a gateway connected to a broker who communicates with the outside of the mound. 's Carmen is the area where they concentrate the findings of the trousseau, normally located in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe monument and in some cases the painting and prints are limited to this hidden interior. * Broker: usually is short to the point that it can sometimes raise questions funiĆ³n. In a few cases has achieved great development and artistic expression as a print or painting. In the next picture you can see different types of mounds:
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