heard this song, and I felt a little depressed, BUT HAS GIVEN ME MUCH JOY ESCUACHÁRLA.
I put it on my blog for my desire is you feel ALL HAPPY AND HAPPY AND BAILÉIS THE RHYTHM OF THE SONG OF DIEGO TORRES.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
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Continue reading on The Alternative Blog: http : / / www.elblogalternativo.com/2011/04/29/% c2% bfcrees-you-are-too-fat-o-bit-sexy-steps-simple-to-feel-good / # ixzz1L8l6bkKZ
Desamor: how to transform the pain of a break in peace, ...
Do you really need more money? Byron Katie
question to you 21 tips to avoid stress and feel good
Overcoming a breakup in 5 steps
Continue reading on The Alternative Blog: http : / / www.elblogalternativo.com/2011/04/29/% c2% bfcrees-you-are-too-fat-o-bit-sexy-steps-simple-to-feel-good / # ixzz1L8l6bkKZ
The Plausibility Of The Curse Of Macbeth
Think you're too fat and unattractive? Follow these simple steps. THE PERFECT COUPLE
Continue reading at The Alternative Blog: http://www.elblogalternativo.com/2011/04/29/% c2% bfcrees-than-you-too-fat-o-bit-sexy-steps-simple-to-feel-good / # ixzz1L8jPspuC
"Instead of giving you the latest tips Beauty, or recipes in order to look more beautiful and attractive I will encourage you to be happy as you are, now. Yes, you're reading ... there is nothing to change, there is nothing to "improve" on you, there is nothing wrong with you, you are beautiful and perfect as you are and your beliefs to the contrary they can make life difficult ... I'm not saying do not change aspects in you if you want, what I'm saying is that you review the reasons that lead you to want to change if you do not like the way you are "
Sandra Iozzelli
Sandra Iozzelli
Continue reading at The Alternative Blog: http://www.elblogalternativo.com/2011/04/29/% c2% bfcrees-than-you-too-fat-o-bit-sexy-steps-simple-to-feel-good / # ixzz1L8jPspuC
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Review Motiontrendz Ripper
Perfect Match ...
A perfect man who met a perfect woman.
went out and married one day. were a perfect match.
In a Christmas Eve was the perfect match, a desolate road when you see someone on the shoulder for help.
What was the person perfect, they stopped to help.
This person was none other than Santa Claus, whose sleigh was broken.
Not wanting to leave millions of disappointed children, the perfect couple offered to help distribute gifts.
The good old man entered the car and left. Unfortunately, the car was involved in an accident and survived only one of three occupants.
Who was the survivor of the tragic accident?
The perfect woman, perfect man, Santa Claus?
Answer : The perfect woman survived.
In fact it was the only real character in this story. Everyone knows that Santa Claus and there is no perfect man.
If you are a woman, you can close the message, the joke ends.
(Men can continue reading)
However, since Santa does not exist, nor a perfect man
is clear that the woman driving
- What explains the accident ...
NOTE: If you are a woman and read this far, is shown another theory:
mess Women are curious, the nose where it does not call and are unable to follow instructions .
"Laughing again what .....?????????
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On the blue fields
my mother walked
transparent and clear as late April.
By tearing a cloud which I saw a goddess,
more beautiful than the dawn
more beautiful than the flower.
His eyes gleamed at me sweetly,
and held out his arms
with infinite tenderness.
I could not hold, the call
Mother, mother, "I said
! My dear mother lover ...!
sobs choked me,
my eyes the tears ran down my face
and the earth dry, moist.
"Do not cry, my daughter
- I heard I said "
not cry, my dear, my heart
for a moment I saw his face cloud over and I was afraid
see it disappear.
! Oh, mother, holy mother!
not want to see you sad ,
all I want is to go there with you.
Well, I know they are mothers,
love of loves,
guardian angels and God's heart.
my mother walked
transparent and clear as late April.
By tearing a cloud which I saw a goddess,
more beautiful than the dawn
more beautiful than the flower.
His eyes gleamed at me sweetly,
and held out his arms
with infinite tenderness.
I could not hold, the call
Mother, mother, "I said
! My dear mother lover ...!
sobs choked me,
my eyes the tears ran down my face
and the earth dry, moist.
"Do not cry, my daughter
- I heard I said "
not cry, my dear, my heart
for a moment I saw his face cloud over and I was afraid
see it disappear.
! Oh, mother, holy mother!
not want to see you sad ,
all I want is to go there with you.
Well, I know they are mothers,
love of loves,
guardian angels and God's heart.
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........ CAN NOT LIE
Passing an iron hair by Customs ... A distinguished lady came on a flight from Ireland asked the priest beside her permission to do him a favor:
"Father, I can ask a favor?
"Of course, child. What I can do for you?
"Look, Father, I bought a very fine hair straightener to bring a gift to my mom for her birthday. Comes in sealed box and I know that exceeds the allowed value for customs, and I fear that I have it removed. Is it possible that you pass through customs for me? It occurs to me that perhaps, under his cassock ...
"I love to serve you, my dear, but I must warn you: I can not say one thing but the truth.
"Do not worry, Father, with his inauguration nobody will dare to check it. At
review Ms. the father left before she passed. Asked the officer
-Father, brings something to declare? He said the priest
"From the waist up, I have nothing to declare ...
The immigration officer thought it was a very strange answer, so he asked
- What do you have to declare from the waist down?
"I have a marvelous instrument designed to be worn by women, but that until now remains unused ...
a laugh official said:
- Go ahead, Father ... Which sigueeee ..........!
"Father, I can ask a favor?
"Of course, child. What I can do for you?
"Look, Father, I bought a very fine hair straightener to bring a gift to my mom for her birthday. Comes in sealed box and I know that exceeds the allowed value for customs, and I fear that I have it removed. Is it possible that you pass through customs for me? It occurs to me that perhaps, under his cassock ...
"I love to serve you, my dear, but I must warn you: I can not say one thing but the truth.
"Do not worry, Father, with his inauguration nobody will dare to check it. At
review Ms. the father left before she passed. Asked the officer
-Father, brings something to declare? He said the priest
"From the waist up, I have nothing to declare ...
The immigration officer thought it was a very strange answer, so he asked
- What do you have to declare from the waist down?
"I have a marvelous instrument designed to be worn by women, but that until now remains unused ...
a laugh official said:
- Go ahead, Father ... Which sigueeee ..........!
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Urso and fisherman!
Well although not really a video is very formal, but occasionally I need a little humor right?
Friday, April 29, 2011
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"A Step of Happiness" tells the story of a man named Leo Viera, who suffers from multiple sclerosis. Leo explains how the development of the disease and steps to overcome physical, mental and emotional with it. His wife, Maria Lopez, has been its support from the engagement, and her voice of encouragement has helped to tolerate the suffering of Leon, to get it set aside the chair wheels.
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: multiple sclerosis myelin
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Fast Facts | ||
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![]() The behavior of multiple sclerosis The most common symptoms of MS include fatigue, weakness, balance problems, vaginal and intestinal problems, numbness, vision loss, tremors and depression. Not all symptoms affect all patients, and there are two people who develop the same symptoms. Researchers have yet to determine why a person has symptoms and ongoing problems, while another has a disease that causes benign minimum disability throughout his life. The nature of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis is determined by the location of the lesion, because the symptoms that define the clinical picture are the result of nerve lesions causing disturbances in electrical conduction in one or more central nervous system areas. The patient with MS may experience the following symptoms and signs, depending on the location of the lesion: Location of the injury and symptoms Brain and Cerebellum: problems with balance, speech, coordination and tremors. motor nervous system: muscle weakness, spastic paralysis, vision problems, bladder and intestines. CNS: altered sensation, numbness, and burning sensation punctures. According to the results obtained in the research, multiple sclerosis is not directly inherited, but it is becoming increasingly clear that a complex genetic load can help determine who may be susceptible to disease and who is not. Stay active People with MS should lead a normal and active life within the limitations imposed their symptoms. Activity is more desirable than the rest. People with this disease feel happier and more satisfied when they lead a normal life playing the with activities they enjoy. This information was taken from the book in English entitled Sclerosis Multiple Field Guide for the Newly Diagnosed . For more information visit www.msfacts.org |
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I would like to be happy.
One afternoon long ago. God summoned to a meeting.
was inviting a copy of each species.
Once gathered, and after hearing many complaints
God gave a simple question: So what would you be?
To which each responded openly and open heart:
The giraffe replied that it would be a panda.
The elephant asked to be mosquito.
The serpent eagle.
Hare wanted to be a turtle. And the turtle swallow.
The Lion begged to be a cat.
otters, capybara
The horse orchid.
And the whale request permission to be thrush ... ...
it was his turn to man.
who incidentally came to tour the path of truth, paused, and informed exclaimed
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Lord I want to be .... Happy \u0026lt;\u0026lt;.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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Today I decided to speak, or rather write about a very important issue, it seems, is not well known because when you talk to people, the vast majority ask you: "What's that?".
Well, I wish to inform through my blog, what it is, and how to treat it usually appears, is "THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS "That is why I wish to start reporting, and first, let's see WHAT IS THE SCLEROSIS?
Although multiple sclerosis (MS) was initially diagnosed in 1849, the earliest known description of a person with possible MS symptoms XIV century Netherlands. Multiple sclerosis, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system, can range from relatively benign, and somewhat disabling to devastating, as it disrupts communication between the brain and other body parts.
The vast majority of patients are mildly affected, but in the worst cases of multiple sclerosis, a person can develop an inability to write, speak or walk. A physician can diagnose MS in some patients shortly after onset of illness. In other cases, however, doctors can not easily identify the cause of symptoms, leading to years of uncertainty and multiple diagnoses, characterized by the appearance and disappearance of unexplained symptoms.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, patients should to obtain and evaluate available information on multiple sclerosis and misinformation associated with this complex disease. This brochure is intended to provide the latest information on diagnosis, course of the disease and possible treatments for multiple sclerosis.
also provides information on the highlights of current research. Although a brochure can not replace the advice and expertise of a physician, can provide patients and their families valuable information to better understand MS, to enable them participate actively in their own care and treatment.
What is MS?
During an MS attack, inflammation occurs in areas of white matter * central nervous system randomly divided into parts called plates. This process is followed by destruction of myelin , fatty covering that insulates nerve cell fibers in the brain and spinal cord. Myelin facilitates transmission at high speed without difficulty of electrochemical messages between the brain, spinal cord and the rest of the body. When there is damage to myelin, neurological transmission of messages occurs more slowly or is blocked completely, leading to a reduction or loss of function.
The name "multiple sclerosis" signifies both the number (multiple) and condition (sclerosis, from the Greek word that describes the scarring or hardening) of areas where myelin has been removed ; in central nervous system.
* Terms in italics are defined in the glossary.
Source: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS-National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)
Source: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS-National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
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Sunday, April 24, 2011
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Letter from a pharmaceutical | |
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N O have waste, read and see. * This is a letter he wrote a pharmacist on the gravy train with immigrants with our Public Health .* Dear Colleagues: I am writing to you to explain what is happening in pharmacies English. I think we need to make this known because, from what I have seen is a trail of secrecy in relation to the issue of Public Health and immigrants. following happens: I'm in my office pharmaceutical and pharmacy detected from making several years and many recipes that immigrants DO NOT PAY! Yes, if you like what you are reading. I explain: when one of us, English for life, going to the doctor writes a prescription with the normal mode or beneficiary holder or beneficiary is retired pensioner owner. That means has been paid into Social Security. But immigrants are recipes with the following specifications: Foreign holder without resources, application abroad without resources, drug free for foreigners, foreign minor drug-free and worst of all: free drug overseas pensioner over 64 years. The latter mode means that these immigrants bring their elders to receive medical care and free prescriptions paid by us the English. Also take lots of drugs purchased in pharmacy or given to their country and also boast about it. give more details: I live in Majadahonda, Madrid and what I'm talking about what I see every day here. supposed to Majadahonda City Council is right, and the same council is handing out vouchers to Moors and South American to receive free milk and baby food and personal hygiene products FREE. These individuals, once they give me the ticket, purchased 50 euros creams with the money not been spent because according to them and boasting, the English people are all fools (Thanks Zapatero). I'm sick! also have threatened me many times in my pharmacy, but many, and I then with the fear of leaving work at 9:30 when these people know where I work and my schedule. is outrageous and I can not do anything. Well you know the English because we do so badly in the Health, because everything I give these Untermenschen, you see. And that's not even talk the floors of official protection, school lunches, child care .... So if I have a son to me that I'm English for life no one gives me no help and I can die waiting. To succeed in Spain have to be moro or South American, gay or bisexual, not knowing how to make the O with a joint and be a waste. Regards, Ari. I can confirm that this is true and not talk about it because it does not matter; respond to anyone interested: farmaceuticos_adjuntos@yahoo.es |
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