Perfect Match ...
A perfect man who met a perfect woman.
went out and married one day. were a perfect match.
In a Christmas Eve was the perfect match, a desolate road when you see someone on the shoulder for help.
What was the person perfect, they stopped to help.
This person was none other than Santa Claus, whose sleigh was broken.
Not wanting to leave millions of disappointed children, the perfect couple offered to help distribute gifts.
The good old man entered the car and left. Unfortunately, the car was involved in an accident and survived only one of three occupants.
Who was the survivor of the tragic accident?
The perfect woman, perfect man, Santa Claus?
Answer : The perfect woman survived.
In fact it was the only real character in this story. Everyone knows that Santa Claus and there is no perfect man.
If you are a woman, you can close the message, the joke ends.
(Men can continue reading)
However, since Santa does not exist, nor a perfect man
is clear that the woman driving
- What explains the accident ...
NOTE: If you are a woman and read this far, is shown another theory:
mess Women are curious, the nose where it does not call and are unable to follow instructions .
"Laughing again what .....?????????