Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hand Made Doujinshi Sausaku


funny thing is that in recent days I am receiving many proposals to exchange links with my blog. I say it's funny because I have very outdated and it seems that the blog has no interest to anyone but me that, from time to time, I feel a bit, and write a paragraph.
guess everyone receives them and that there is no merit, and nothing to feel special. In addition many of the proposals have no connection, online casinos, hotels seekers, car sales pages, etc. .. In any case, yes I have paired a new on stories.
Moreover, given that I have not let it finish dying at all, I have to update it. Every time I see the list of books read in 2007 I'm a bit of shame. In the next few weeks I have to aim, to publish the forums Morocco 2009, El Chorro (including short story, and update all other sections.
By the way, the trip to the Jet has been spectacular. To date my best climbing trip. I think I'm in love with a path bee called Bee (6c +) Desplomilandia area. In crash and full of those typical limestone stalactites. Did not finish, I BLOCAR that ¨ ¨ a few times, but one day come back and get you out of a ¨ stick ¨.


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