Sunday, March 1, 2009

Male And Female Coats Button

A week of climbing in El Chorro (Málaga)

Yes, this Wednesday (seven in the morning) I take a plane to the south. Looking for the sun and a week of climbing in El Chorro, Malaga Province. We flew from Amsterdam

5 people, Jana, Joris, Ashley, Judith (all climbing mates and good friends) and the writer. Also from Frankfurt will join us Julia, a friend of Jana with which we have climbed in some other occasion, and probably from Malaga and Almeria two friends more.

We carry backpacks full of climbing gear and, above all, eager to enjoy the beautiful weather in southern Spain and contact with nature. The plan is to climb from Wednesday to Friday, rest on Saturday (probably down to the beach) and climb back from Sunday to Tuesday.

We want to make a couple of days of traditional climbing (placing our own insurance) of various lengths, one-day multi-pitch sport and other sports of a long sought a project. In my case, it was assumed that my goal was to make a first-6c and give a few "hit" a a 7a, but an untimely knee injury, which I still have not fully recovered, has made my confidence and my real possibilities are not at their best. Attempt in any case, enjoy the most of the days, although physically this to demand a lot. Let

camping. Some have chosen to book berths in the house with the camp, but I took my new tent that I bought in late 2008 and, given the rigors of winter, I have yet to build.

Another thing which, incidentally, I hope this week is that someone make me climbing photos. In these two years I have not been able to raise even a dozen of them and end will seem like a lie scale. I want one of these in a good bust, hung from their hands and putting a heel (or both) in the roof to rest and see where is the path.

Tonight I have the last training. I hope I feel good. The escalation is also very mental. If these strong head, the body follows. Or is it vice versa? In any case, today I feel like giving strong be three short hours. And after two full days to rest until Wednesday and reach the jet.


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