Monday, December 15, 2008

Roland Microcube Sabbath Black Setting

rereading old blog entries

Funny rereading old blog entries. My old electronic music recommendations, preparations for moving to Amsterdam , my first adventures with kites and climbing, travel and post some occasional posts on books.
The truth is time to do many things (and write about it) when one does not work. I would like to continue writing daily reading 40 books a year, traveling more often and commit and climb without stopping. However, in perspective, and although not perfect, I am satisfied with the fact. Sometimes when I meet think that in April two years of living in Amsterdam I think the time just slips through your fingers.
At this time, I've become an average climber. I have a remarkable physical shape, despite the recent problems in my knee that I can not run like before. I live in an interesting city and I have many friends. Professionally, Tomtom feeds me, but I have also started a project (buscounviaje) that could combine in future need for revenue and passion for travel.
I'm missing things, of course. Sometimes it's really cold in Amsterdam. And to have someone to share problems and joys probably help to define my life situation .. happy.
My short term goals are.
  • Going to Zaragoza Christmas and January Morocco (I have purchased tickets.)
  • Consolidate Project (buscounviaje).
  • be more organized as to what tape. All possible minor problems with the law, banks and telephone companies disorganization derivatives with me are accumulating.
  • change apartments in Amsterdam again (mostly by my friends who want to be closer to the center).
  • 7a Complete a project to me is resisting.
  • Back to read and write daily, instead of watching movies on the computer every night.

medium term, I'm mulling over a move back. This time the south. Very south. For now, the idea is to Cape Town. But I will not go alone. I have to take a friend here. We'll see if I can convince them. I'm free, nothing really ties me to Amsterdam, and I can afford it. I just need a little courage. I hope to find.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Games Orange Shark Arlogin

Essaouira, a Portuguese fort protecting a medina and an endless beach to Kite mountainboarding to practice.

Note: If you are thinking of a trip to Morocco , I recommend you visit the Morocco guide we have written recently to .

addition you can also consult the guidelines Fez, Marrakech or Casablanca. The

light is always clear and clear in Essaouira. There are seven in the morning when sliding on the base of the window and begins to gently caress. Getting up so easy. Just you join, you'll sandals and leggings to the kitchen to make orange juice. Nothing worries you, you have time and know that I wait a day where are you going to do something you really love. You

looks out the window and you have to close my eyes. Another day, think of bright blue sky, sun, and these almost certainly north wind of twenty knots. Sales

the small balcony of the apartment you've rented for very little money, and you realize that actually flags walk and are moving merry, dancing and trying to get away from the mast that holds. Only 7.30 and already well, you think, this is going to be a good day to fly kites. Probably the "cult" of 3.5, but still I dare to do something big.

back to the kitchen and finish breakfast, going to be so only non-Moroccan meal of the day. Eggs, toast and fruit. When you finish you put on a bathing suit and sneakers and jog to the beach. At one end of the bay is the medina, with its white houses and walls Portuguese.

You give away thinking that every day you spend here will seem even more beautiful. Opposite you, the beach, white sand, fine, hard and flat. Perfect for running. 've Never finished because it has more than 20 miles and then have to return. The only problem here is that running the way you have the wind at the back and curse your usual optimism when you come back, gritting his teeth, fighting against an invisible wall that slows your pace constantly.

Back "home" sweating but happy. Go straight to the shower. If you do a little more heat but we would bathe me in December, and although very good time compared with Spain, the Atlantic is cold. Leo quietly for an hour. Of course, a book by Paul Bowles, writer that made me fall in love with Morocco even before I came.

Cuñado calculation to be midnight and I think the wind has reached its maximum level, fix the rucksack with kites and mountainboard. Yes, I know that right now everyone is crazy about kitesurfing. But who says we have to be all equal or we have to like the same things?

I get to the beach in two minutes. This nearly deserted. The distance is a tourist walking around and behind them the kids of people trying to sell rides. Me and leave me alone. Know me and know the horse I need is that which underpins the seagulls lazily over the port.

I leave the backpack and mountainboard on the floor, I pull the anemometer and do my particular ritual. Calculate the wind speed. We are at 20 knots with gusts up to 25. I bend down on several occasions, I take heaps of sand and let quality slip through my fingers to check the address. The day seems perfect because the wind has rulado also now comes from within, which means I'll be able to sail back and forth from the beach and overlooking the sea which is what I like. Also watch the sky for clouds suspicious. I acquired the habit when I lived in Holland (there are always clouds in the Netherlands). This is not necessary, but it is a good habit. Saco

kite. My favorite. It is maroon and blue with a white stripe separating the two colors. Gave me after my accident and I have never given the slightest shock. From all I have, is the most noble behavior. I turn away about 25 feet in right angle to the direction of the wind with the kite in one hand and the way in the back pocket. Kneeling, unfold the kite first one side, the right, placing piles of sand in the lower lip of the kite so that it is beached. I again amazed at what I like the feeling of putting your hands in the sand and allowed to drain slowly. Repeat with the opposite side.

then fixed with a simple knot lark ends main and brake lines to the kite. Back on my feet completely unraveling until I had left my backpack. I place the controls. Before putting the "leash" safe once again I scan the horizon, pick up everything in my backpack and put it back.

Everything is in place. Now. I stand around the wrists the leash, gently lift controls while incorporating a subtle and moving forward wrists and taking a slight step back, the kite is released from the sand and inflated immediately. The sound is precise. It is as if breathing. He quickly throws up. As a rocket is placed at the zenith and simply suggesting some resistance to the right, the kite is stuck just above me.

always does the same and I seized the moment to breathe and relax before starting. Although it may seem silly the next few minutes I am dedicated to make sure everything is in order. I do a series of figures on the right side, repeat on the left side. Always avoiding the potential window principle. The kite pulls. Of course it does. Is a traction kite. But this so well designed and managed so easily that is a breeze to keep it in the safe areas (the sides and the zenith).

I make a couple of tricks this time across the power window. I make a couple of jumps, taking the kite quickly from one side to another, running in the opposite direction and pulling strong control on the same side when the comet will have passed. I've done it a million times, but the feeling when your feet leave the ground, always makes me happy. It's like having a regression to childhood. I repeat again and again and not lose the ability to move you. Wear

zenith the kite again and get ready to ride in the mountainboard. This to a couple of feet from me. I walk, looking down, while still keeping with small finger movements on my kite. I put one foot in the stirrup of the mountain. With a few movements of the ankle sink until it is fully engaged. For a moment I look back at the comet and stabilized. Amount the second foot into the bracket. Breath and start to descend a little to get the kite down. The most difficult times are the first, until you catch the momentum and you can hang a bit your body to counteract the force of the wind.

do not have force only make it stretch your arms and let your weight do the work. The first meters going slowly, taking the kite very high, but then the bass a little more and start doing figure eights with her. No need to make them very long because there are plenty of wind and within seconds the speed is considerable.

The next half hour I devote myself to get carried away by the wind. No tricks or belting attempt against the wind. My only interest is to enjoy, feel the wind, the sun on my face and feel free. I walk six miles in which I have come across no more than three or four strollers. Everyone looks at me with envy face. Probably because they see my face of happiness. Home

way back on the road, practical tricks and try to slip small jumps. Have not mastered and certainly not dare to think about doing saltos forward or backward as I've seen him do in the videos on youtube. Also since I broke my clavicle I decided to have fun without risking too much. The cult is behaving beautifully, as always. This time step over my apartment at the end of the ride and decide reach the same people. Nearby are some kiters who is preparing to enter the water. We waved. From the promenade around the village children to their mothers make gestures indicating the mountainboard. I'm sure they're trying to convince them to buy one.

For an hour I devote myself to gird, lead, and learn to surf for and windproof. Today the wind is very favorable, but you must learn to go in all directions for brother wind is perpendicular to the beach and always have to go upwind and climbing.

Sweating and exhausted, I decide to stop and get the kite to the ground. Also a twinge in my stomach reminds me that it's past three p.m. and I have not eaten anything since breakfast. Pick up the kite quickly and I leave the port. Like a fried fish stand for about three euros. The boats leave daily and, therefore, the fish are really cool. When I finish I go to the plaza and I take tea. The waiter bored with the lack of tourists sit and talk with me. I have seen on the beach and asks me about the comet. I suggest you come a day with me and that I can teach. But he does not seem to be very clear and looks askance at mountainboard like a wonderful device and equally dangerous.

When finished, go to the market of the medina. Buy vegetables, spices and chicken. Tonight I want to cook a tagine. Happily walking back home. For a moment I have the temptation to return to the beach to get the big kite I have come down a little wind. I reject the idea immediately. I am a bit tired and I have to write a while before I make dinner.

already in the apartment, I wear comfortable clothing and bare feet. I prepare a coffee and sit on the computer in front of the window. Before you begin, go to the kitchen and start preparing the vegetables and potatoes over low heat. The whole house is flooded with the smell of olive oil and spices. I write for about three hours, but my gaze was diverted to the beach many times and people that can see the bottom until it's done at night. When I finish I call

My girlfriend could not come. I tell my day and I think that I had not done anything special. However, how I like it that way all my days!.

I put a little music, and dined quietly with a glass of wine. El Tajin has taken more than three hours to take, but it was worth. I read a while and then I go to bed. It's eleven at night and, for Morocco's too late. Tomorrow will probably repeat the schedule, although I have to go cut my hair and if I'm very moody as he encouraged me to go to hamann to give me a massage. I fall asleep in a few minutes. I'm not tired, but quite relaxed.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Letter On 2nd Aniversary

Several months without writing and without traveling

Sure, the name of this blog said it all .. "Sabbatical" was a blog that made little sense if he returned to work (as indeed I can do.)
Furthermore, this blog was intended to be travel and took almost a year without travel, which is said to travel, backpack.

However, lately I head back round to regain the habit of writing some entries in the week. I miss him, but where to find the time?

of time, and to break the ice, I'll Link the blog of my friend Marko. Yes, my traveling companion in recent weeks to tour India is now Turkey. Insured great pictures. Yes, obviously is English.

I'm going to read avidly by remembering what is fun and stimulating CalzArte boots in the morning, visit bazaars, go buy train tickets, and looked again look at the map, talk (and sometimes argue) with traders I want to sell anything and, above all, discover new horizons in which you have always dreamed of being.

This is the address of your blog. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hyd Gay Cruising Places

After one year of life in Amsterdam

Note: If you are thinking of a trip to Amsterdam , I recommend you visit the Amsterdam guide we've written recently

is difficult to be systematic when so little is written on the blog. The first is to explain why so many days without writing. No, not a bad thing, as when I broke my collarbone. Simply, I have a home internet line damaged and have not had time to go to UPC, things about the return to a working life.
I still live in the same place, but now I do it with an Italian friend who, for reasons that are irrelevant, I needed a new site in Amsterdam to live. We will look for an apartment the two of us together, or perhaps with two other friends (Mexico and Finland), a big house with garden, to take advantage now that, finally, the good weather.
Moreover, it took two weeks got the whole weekend on the beach with kites and mountainboard. Sergio, the Mexican, the MnAs hooked me, and we plan to buy a second hand equipment for kiteboarding half. I am also climbing well and, despite my dire quality as a climber, I'm starting to do some way a little more difficult. I've also been skating quite often, with the Mexican and Dutch I have met on the beach and laughs at me brother trying to say something in Dutch.
As for nightlife I have had few outlets. Only the discovery of a tiny club (The Flex) near my house. This weekend is once again the Elevator Passion (Minimal Techno Party to which I the last Saturday of each month).
Culturally, I have not much new, but some projects. As part of my friends are working or studying in things related to art and design, we are thinking (and writing) something that has to do with electronic music, literature and images. It is so green, you can not say anything, but I hope to succeed. I've also regained the habit of shopping for used books market. Now I'm with a couple of them by Joseph Conrad.
I would like to continue writing about travel, but here, at work, I have enough privacy or concentration to do so.
For doing all these things, the 18 th of this month was a year of living in Amsterdam. I think it's been a sigh and an eternity at the same time. The proof of my complete adaptation was that yesterday I managed to go from the Albert Cuypstraat to my house, riding a bike and carrying another in parallel. And without falling!. No human being Dutch, unless this very "holandesizado" is able to perform such a feat of balance and coordination.
Well, I'll try to post more frequently. By friends and family to read and hear and what I'm doing, and, above all, because I feel I'm missing something when I do not write regularly.

Friday, April 11, 2008

How To Mount The Sims Game For Mac

Sometimes bad memory is not very important. However, at other times, when you realize you've forgotten something important, you'd head against the wall for being so clueless (see: disastrous, selfish, etc, etc ...)
Especially hurts, when you think about that person every day, however (that damned phrase again), when you had to remember that date call, simply because you forget. I really do not have bothered much to receive that call. But rather than bother think she was hurt. I hope you forgive me and email, voicemail and post on the blog can compensate a bit.
Congratulations and many kisses from Adam!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Denise Milani / Black Dress

Bad Memory Almost two weeks without blogging

I have spent almost two weeks without posting on the blog. During the week, between work, gym and social life is not much time. In order to perform the feat last week (my age) to leave Friday and Saturday consecutively. Great fun, but exhausting. On Saturday we had a new edition of the Passion elevator. There were moments of these that we looked at each other, and we could not believe they were clicking as good music.
On Saturday, moreover, was flying kites with a Mexican friend who is hooked. It was night and was running around the pasture trying to cheat and get on the skateboard to roll a bit. Then, as a Dutch recojiamos kites, big, blond, preppy-looking, we tried to steal the mountainboard (cart). We had to run behind him but at least we asked for forgiveness. Thief, but polite.
This week I have seen. My parents are going to spend ten days at home. They arrived on Wednesday to Brussels from Zaragoza. There is a good alternative, because it takes five hours after arriving in Amsterdam, but at least took the opportunity to go the night before and see Kim and Babette (my friends from India). I prepared dinner, bought me flowers (my first time) and drank champagne.
At work, as I'm more loose, and I can afford ratiros write on the blog, but I'm still not ready for a whole chapter of Panama. To see if this weekend bag for a while and I can begin.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Can You Get The Stomach Flu While On Your Period

Road to Panama

Note: If you are thinking of a trip to Panama , I recommend you visit the Panama guide we have written recently to .

Exactly one year later, on August 8, 2006, we set the new path toward Central America. This time, the main destination was Panama chosen, but as we had been last year with the thorn stuck unable to visit Corcovado, we decided to spend five days of this trip back to Puerto Jimenez (Costa Rica), our particular paradise .
had been left behind one year demuchísimo work and stress. Things had been, objectively, reasonably well. We many customers, a team of ten consultants working on projects and economic performance acceptable for a business unit created out of nothing.
On the negative side, a work rate increasing, rather than a Director who was engaged to help discourage people who were striving to take things forward and in gneral, the feeling that, deep down, I wanted to be somewhere else and doing other things.
During the year, I was forced to start doing other things outside of work. I bought some skates and went to the park almost every day of the retreat, just five minutes from my house at night. On the basis of practice I get to have an acceptable level, and even people looked at me when passing by a "caper." My friends laughed, because I tried to explain to them how happy I felt when rolling backward heard electronic music with my Ipod. Of course I felt much better than when he signed a new contract.
also going to run enough to get back into shape physics. He did both in Madrid, also in retirement, as he traveled to see my clients. I remember with special pleasure races Beach San Lorenzo in Gijón or Sardinero in Santander. In the first of which also was where for the first time I saw a guy with a traction kite and a skateboard, rolling down the sand. It was a few months until I decided to include this interest on my list, but since then had the bug, and did nothing to find videos on youtube and information on specialized sites. I had to learn to do that and out.
also had quit only a month after returning from Costa Rica. If I wanted to change his life and enjoy a new life, I had to get rid of that yoke, and to feel that the body responded to the desire to do things.
To complete the collection of updates, I sold my car and I bought a mountain bike. Used it for sports and weekends to handle, despite the huge risks involved, and Madrid.
Many around me watched these changes with amused curiosity. Overall, they thought, you still have a conventional life, work and do not hurt anyone if you skate backwards like listening to electronic music. So the alarm has not yet emerged. However I already had almost decided what I wanted. I wanted to leave everything behind. It was not to make the decision before the holidays. Perhaps, I thought, this feeling of longing for freedom and have time to devote myself, have to do with that I am very tired of the whole year. Perhaps holidays make me see things more clearly.
Anyway, I spoke with my director and warned him of my intentions and that after returning, would probably take the decision not to continue with the company.
In this spirit, I made the trip to Panama, watching guides and websites throughout the month of July. This year we would travel by public transport, in order to have more contact with the local population. Still another change would be that we would visit fewer sites and would have more time. We had bought tickets to the August 8th round trip on 31 so it was three weeks, and only we would go Bocas del Toro, a archipielgo in the Caribbean, Guadeloupe, a village at 2000 meters above sea level Volcano Baru, Corcovado (Costa Rica), and, at best, a site more to decide on the fly.
What did we did, was to return to the hotel to book in advance. Moreover, given how tired I was, and spared no expense, especially in the case of Bocas del Toro is looking for a truly luxurious place to relax and enjoy the deserved rest.
Fortunately, in the past year, Central America was popularized as a tourist destination in Spain, and in contrast to the previous year it was impossible to find direct flights, we could now choose between Iberia and Air Madrid ( were still alive at that time). We chose the Iberia flight (about 700 euros) and, although still with a stopover in Miami, we went from more than twenty hours "only" twelve.
The flight was eight in the morning. We levantamos muy pronto con una ilusión tremenda. Ni siquiera hubiese hecho falta ponernos despertador. Mientras desayunabamos en el aeropuerto no nos podíamos creer que había llegado el día. Por fín. Tres semanas de libertad. Otra vez en centroamérica. Además, esta vez, el viaje iba a ser aún más auténtico porque teníamos mas experiencia y habíiamos planeado completar el descanso con muchas actividades físicas. Yo me veía a mí mismo corriendo por en medio de la selva y haciendo kayak de isla en isla.
Nos cogemos de la mano, subimos al enorme 747 de Iberia, buscamos nuestros sitios y nos ready to enjoy every moment of the coming weeks. Here we go and no one can stop us, warning us of a meeting pending, or sign contract. Bye, bye! I promise to always take the phone off!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ways To Wear A Scarf Diagram

Day 13, Back to San Jose

Return to San José alternated with other moments of sadness and smiles knowingly. Sometimes, we looked into his eyes and we started to talk about Puerto Jimenez (our favorite), thinking we'd like to stay at least a few more days.

But the next day we had to take a plane (martin air), with stops in Miami and Amsterdam and Madrid final destination. More than twenty hours by plane. A real beating.

To get to San Jose before nightfall, we left pretty early. We were far away, more than two hundred fifty kilometers, so suited to hurry. The first leg of the trip we visited the Nicoya Peninsula. Crossing so in Costa Rica called dry forest. Compared with Spain, the landscape is quite green. But it is true that there is much humendad and, despite being all covered with vegetation, this is not so lush.

At the end of the peninsula is crossed by a huge metal bridge, to the region of Puntarenas. From there we return to the perennial American road, real backbone of the country.

spent hours listening to the beat of whales and raegueton in the car. Almost until he had caught a taste and, since the early days of the trip, and had not returned to using my brand new Ipod and portable speakers. Electronic music does not fit well with Central America.

The only remarkable story and, indeed, bad enough, we had a "chop" with another driver (Porsche Cayenne) that was spent, not to throw us very well why the lights, and after pitarnos ahead, get ahead and stop. At the end I stood on one side of the shoulder, but saw me and did the same. Saima Neither the car, but when I turned to start, he returned to block us. At the end we came across in one direction and he took us, fortunately another.

The only "problem" that we had throughout the trip, we had found us a driver of a Porsche. How ironic. When many people think that the danger can come from people who have nothing, while it seems that education and civic behavior is the property of wealthy nations. Well of course neither one is safe, nor the other is true. Costa Rica certainly has not seemed a poor country. It is not. You can not compare copn Europe, but their environment is the most prosperous and, although they are familar modest, extreme poverty is virtually nonexistent.

People live reasonably well and tourism is assuming a very important source of income. Moreover, even if they are committing abuses in its development, in general there is a fairly strong awareness of the need to establish a model of sustainable development. Is the country in the world with the highest percentage of protected land. Citizens are absolutely scrupulous in not littering and try to keep the country as clean as possible (contrary to what we saw a year later in Panama).

Traveling Costa Rica is comfortable (except for the bad roads) and insurance. Pairs where peers have a beer, eat or just rest a while, people are friendly and cariñoza. Especially with the English. The food is not wonderful, but I remember some ceviche (my favorite Latin American dish) delightfully fresh.

When we were about 70 kilometers from San José, and still day, we have a new experience "Policy." A jam. As always we had circulated in remote areas to the capital, we believed that this is not possible. But there we were. Caught in a huge tail that lasted for the next forty miles. More than two hours it took to enter the city. Costi we find the hotel, which was on the outskirts near the airport.

I was dead on both drive. Although it was late, I noticed a dip in the pool to relax muscles. We believe in lowering the center, ruling it worse at the end. dinner relax in the hotel and went to bed early. Seguíams having the same feeling. on the one hand Staba happy everything we had seen and felt, but on the other, we had the pain of having to leave so soon. Tomorrow will be met two weeks since we arrived. We think we could have spent two weeks in Puerto Jimenez abura perfectamenteme without even a moment.

To encourage us promos to ourselves that we will return soon. Because of my knee injury, could not make progress in Corcovado National Park, and that is something that should be worth doing. The trouble is that, like all "good" trajador, have to endure twelve months of hard labor, but enjoy a few days. It makes little sense, but it is. Is not it?.

We fell asleep listening to the sound of the jungle. In Costa Rica, including the capital kilómeros few can enjoy the soothing symphony composed by howler monkeys and birds of all kinds. tomorrow we just return the car and take the plane, so we practically dismissed from Cosa Rica. See you soon. We'll meet again.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Brunton Laser Range Singer

Days 11 and 12 Sol, Playa Tamarindo and love.

For that we are going to cheat, our core business the next two days in Playa Tamarindo were, quietly take the sun, swim, give kisses and us romantic videos, those of you never thought to do (what a corny!), but one day he finds himself happy to be the protagonist and one of them.

Viewed in the distance, I have the temptation to say that I wish we had not done (it hurts to see any of them), but then, instantly, I say that is nonsense, and it is good to remember the moments of happiness that you had.
also found a superb restaurant on the beach where prepared, but priced a bit high, great salads and tuna shashimi. We pasamo there for lunch and dinner both days.

Nearby, there were some beaches that are supposed, were among the best in Central America. Highlighted a named Playa Conchal, that instead of sand, which forms the beach are millions of tiny shells of all crustaceans. However, although I feel a little ashamed to say (what a pair of adventurous!), We were not any. We were told that the roads leading to them were hard, and I was too tired to drive.

Those two days, we toured the village, went to the beach and went to have a drink at the trendy bar in town. All of all "relax." Compared to the rest, Playa Tamarindo, is a fairly tourism operators. There are many souvenir shops, clothing, a luxury hotel, restaurants and even bars for tourists, surfers and most Americans.

hurried forward to those days with a total of rest. We knew that the return of these very short holiday we expected, the stress, the days of twelve hours, constant travel by plane to get to meetings, presentations, signings, etc ... Not that I liked my job (he spent Rachel and the same) but the level of demand and pressure was so high that rather than a job, had become a slave. Even when it was assumed you were having success, things did not improve but just the opposite. Dying of success they say ... Well yes, that's what I felt at that time. And he was sure that if he continued the same way each time would be more difficult to release.

rental, although short, we had actually served to disconnect from "real" world. Indeed, had found its way into our minds the idea that this happiness, enjoy walk barefoot on the sand, travel, learn new things, atardareces view while listening to the sound of jungle life should be normal, and not the other. We knew we had to go back, of course. but when we looked into his eyes, the two understood that something had happened inside of us on that trip. really had the urge to stay. drop everything and move on. We did not, but we noted in our agenda and begin to prepare our "escape."

A year and a couple of months later, after another trip to Panama, I left the job. In the following months, I bought some skates and a bike, I sold my hitherto beloved car. Soon I began with kites, climbing. Resume my reading habits and, ultimately, I began to prioritize the things I liked doing to me compared to my supposedly "brilliant career." In addition, little by little, I began to replace some of the traditional values, in which I was educated and where there were believed by others. Every time I cared less what the "people" (etendido as social pressure) thinking. The money or the possession of things (house, car, permanent contract) came to seem completely unnecessary things. However, being able to fulfill some dreams, they seemed to me a goal worth striving.

have time. Time do things you enjoy doing. That's what I needed. Time and energy to, first, imagine dreams and, secondly, to carry them out. Rachel and I looked at each and we understood. We had been so happy these nearly two weeks, we hardly thought possible.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ho Chunk Wisconsin Dells Valet Parking

Day 10: Playa Coco

To finish the trip (we only had four days), we decided to choose a beach resort on the Nicoya Peninsula. This area is a bit more tourists than the rest, but is supposed to ditch the best white sand beaches.
ls Among many options, we chose Playa Coco, for the first two days, and Tamarindo, for the last two. As our destination was far away, about 150 kilometers ticos, early morning breakfast and we start running quickly.
The journey by road takes pretty good, but heavy traffic of trucks. I am starting to get tired of driving almost every day from one place to another. If we were to make the trip, perhaps otherwise arise with more pauses.
Surprisingly it took just over two hours and not twelve when we enter the hotel. The room okay, but not nearly reach the level of the past. However, the hotel has a small pool that I do is look, fill in the forms mietras reception because the heat is infernal.
Leaving things in the room h we take a bath. Then, as we, in swimsuit and cholas, we went to the beach. The disappointment is tremendous. It is ugly, and actually has white sand, but is very dirty. There are piles of trash accumulated along the sand. Also in the middle of the beach is a mouth of a small river and drag so much land, which, along with water, but sand, which is mud treads. We give a approximately an hour ride, if at either end the best thing, but it is not. Turn to the people and handle food in a bar overlooking the beach.
The imeriales with ice and a shrimp ceviche us to recover the spirit. We decided to spend the afternoon at the pool (do not feel like driving to another beach) and tomorrow we'll go to Tamarindo. In the account will note that this area is tourism. The prices almost double those of the sites that have been in recent days, and at least triple those of Puerto Jimenez.
The evening was spent bathing and reading. My two guides (the Lonely Planet and Audi) are so paws and reread it seem much older than they really are. The hotel has a small casino that makes him look a bit decadent. There are some older tourists who travel alone and life is stuck sitting in front of a roulette or any other game. The waitresses / croupiers endure with his leering smile.
Thinking a bit about it, we realize that we have met very few Ticos. The conclusion we draw is that, traveling with my car, there are few opportunities, and decided that next year there where we go, we will in Trasnporte public.
In the evening we dined at the restaurant. We do not want to play at all clear, but decided to have a drink on the other hand are extremely cheap. probably a estartegia so that once animated by the spirit, let yourself go in the game. With us it does not work. We ask for a drink after another and we ended up pretty drunk, but instead of the game, gives us other things. We left tambalenates. He barely reached the room.
The next morning we discovered that the keys in the door from the outside. And nobody came to get our attention, although we were not more discreet clients. A success.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Airforce Rifle Silencer


is hard to write something about the post 200 in a day's hangover. Last night, as usual in recent times, I lie after work with some colleagues of "training." Then I met with the English of my team, and finally, as he had not metiese me at home, with Jose, Simmone and a Belgian to whom I gave a lot of the plate. Conclusion. Drunkenness. Lucky Stop at the corner to buy a "megextrasupercheeseburger" night of strange dreams.

I have little headache, which is very important since account that I ran out of paracetamol, and do not know where the hell is the nearest pharmacy. I put music from Johann Johannsonn (IBM 1401 A User's Manual), a genius, I prepared a coffee and be in the "manner" appropriate to write something about these last 100 new post.

Comets, travel, broken collarbone, life in Holland, perfect moments on a bike, any downturn in mood, life projects, job search, electronic music sessions the Havana Room in the Getaway, views received, Christmas in Spain. Nearly fifty post on India. Even me, I am the author, I lack the courage to re-read it to me and correct. Besides, I have bittersweet memories when I think of India. Hard to explain, much less publicly. Reviewing the post are the issues that have occupied the last months of my life.

In that time I met many people, in addition to strengthening the relationship with Indha, Ashley, Veli, Marja, Sergio, and the English, especially with David and Jose (a Simmone and the story as English). The training became very good friends the two Italian (Giuliana and Rita), Israel, Erwan (French) and myself. At work are a lot, so I will not name them, but I have welcomed. Of India travel to retain the friendship of Marko, Kim and Babette (although the latter is impsible have it more than five minutes in front of a computer chatting). Also Akiko and Hiromi (who, incidentally, I owe you a mail). To this list we could add many new acquaintances. Can not be counted as friends, but as people with whom I spent pleasant moments.

Obviously n life is a race or meet new people, but something is happening to me at this stage of pseudouniversitario I'm wearing and I think that brings me things.

course nothing is perfect. I miss some things he had before, and above all, to anyone. There are things I want for my future and I have not yet. But .... So it is not bad. Having goals helps you make life more interesting. Insatisfccion some moves. Although, of course, if you take it to extremes, does not let you enjoy what you have, are or feel.
the moment, and waiting to find the balance, I'll stick with regressive therapy I'm doing lately. I'll try to find some answers looking more inward than outward. So get ready for boring posts talking about past trips or meaningless thoughts. Some tell of Amsterdam, of course, but now with I'm not finding much work time to post, so in these issues will be brief. Well. A for another 100!