Friday, December 25, 2009
Clear Nail Polish And Warts
I promised. The web project where I have been working the past ... Two years? is already public. I hope you
'success' because we put so much hope in it. Could you explain in detail that is but it is best to test it directly. This is the address listed.
Ah! indeed, just over a year and a half that I got into Google Analytics to view visits this blog and although I know there are many, I was pleasantly surprised to still see I have almost 1,000 visits per month.
Well, I leave here it is Christmas day and we need to give gifts to nephews.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Silver Daddies Dating
Greetings to those who still read me or have the "google reader" for advice.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Precancerous Polyp Bladder
Let's start with last night. It was Friday, and like every Friday I started getting nervous since the morning. During the week, more or less, routines keep ghosts away, but on weekends, when one has decided not to have a life "conventional" (or has not been the conventional choice because he was breastfed), must be bright enough to fill the spaces.
had several plans to go to "fun." Go to an opening a gallery with Sergio and Marja, or a floor opening party a few co-workers, or a simple beer with a girl, which I watched for a while and we're still friends, and his group. Apparently
could be a good Friday night. But like most of the weekend started to auto discard all plans. The weather did not help. A gray day, gray, wet and ended in a huge tormentone in the afternoon, made my spirits were at rock bottom.
As large groups oppress me more and more, in my mind, I chose to go to the gallery where I had like to talk to anyone. In addition, intellectual I'm afraid. They are too "cool" and straight to me. Neither read nor write, but many parties are intellectuals where to learn a lot. In any case I called Sergio to delay the meeting time. I put the rain as an excuse, faithful ally of my mood. Meanwhile
take a couple of beers with two colleagues in my company. Cone them feel comfortable. I can talk about my weaknesses and listen to theirs. And sometimes even laughed. They are outcasts like me. Everyone working on this site have a similar profile. Or rather, we have very different histories but a common denominator which is not normal. Finally
cancel with Sergio because the gallery this far. My colleagues are going to the party, which I am also invited but did not want to go. My friend sent him an sms saying I have physiotherapy and health comes first. All I answer or look at me with a clear gesture, "and, as always. Never point at anything. You are a bore. "
are right. I take my bicycle and I come home in the rain. Me as a "Shoarma" before climbing on the bar downstairs, alone. I enter home, hardly greet my roommates, I take a shower and crawl into bed and read. It is eleven.
is not anything wrong with not going out on a Friday night but the bad news is why. I'm starting to disconnect from things. Speak with people, I have friends, do things, but nothing ends of filling and almost everything I am too lazy. Sometimes I look at the "homeless" and start to fear. No, I look sad stories because they have nothing, that's not important, but the psychological whys.
difficult it is to write about oneself, and not wanting to be avoided lies. It is true that you do not have passions, I have. However, I have changed much in recent years, what I want and what I am. And in some ways for good, but sometimes I'm still lost. Because life is exciting, but difficult.
worst thing is that you know you have everything in order to be happy and just leave out the opportunities and make efforts very nonspecific and misdirected.
the love and not talk. My mother. I met a lot of girls in recent times. All colors, styles and ideologies. Impossible. Not once has produced the magic spark that makes you want to be with that person at all times, whether awake or asleep, and float above the world hand in hand. Yes, those who feel corny and you can not buy with money or with effort. Well
. I had promised to write a little about myself. But only slightly. I could go to infinity, and part would be true and some exaggeration and falsehood. But it's time to go out, go to the gym, shopping books and cream I need for my battered dry skin. Also I have to work and finish reading the book by Ray Loriga and who knows, tonight, probably looking for a friend and have some beers and watching some girl away. Nor is it a drama, it's just that these clouds and constant rain are my spirits down a little a bit. But thank God, or whatever, I'm cyclothymic and lows that after this I have also moments of total satisfaction with my life.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I Like To Meet Sara Jay
Many things have happened since I last wrote on the blog. When it appeared that began to take a run ... I spent a month without writing a letter.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Keratin Treatment And Nursing
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How Long Dose A Hematoma Last
I sought permission from the "party of the first part" to publish these photos. I have only censored a few that I did one day during a nap in the pool man and some that did not show my best side. Benefits of being the owner of the blog. @ N00 /
Saturday, March 14, 2009
How Much Is A Dye At Jcpenny Salon?
feel the fear of falling on my stomach. Under my feet a gulf, in front, a solid wall of steel plated. Fall suddenly. In a seemingly desperate attempt, I throw my hands forward to grab any irregularity. The wall is quite smooth, however, no possible explanation and against any logic or hope, steel gives way to the tips of my fingers. Fall velocity decreases. No pain or effort on my hands. I almost stopped. Advancement of the toes and steel to give back. I stop abruptly.
gasp. I look down and can not make out the bottom. I feel dizzy. My heart beats too fast. I am suspended. Supported only by the tips of fingers and toes. It makes no sense. Nothing makes sense. Where am I?, How is this possible? I remember nothing of what has happened before wounded or how I find this situation.
try to remember my name. I sense something, but I can not turn it into a response. A cool breeze coming from the depths, I out of my thoughts. I have to do something. Not much longer can I stand for, but do not feel stress or pain, what is happening is not possible. The surface, seemingly solid, has become a kind of liquid in which I can penetrate a few centimeters and yet seems robust because it holds my weight and prevents the fall.
Suddenly, I fall a couple of feet, and turn to stop. What happened? I have not done anything. I have not even moved. Will you have to do with something I thought or is that the physical conditions of the wall change randomly?
Again I feel dizzy. I'm afraid to fall again. And this time, how far?, "A few feet or perhaps to the bottom?. Nothing makes sense. I try to remember the kinds of climbing. Stretched arms and hips near the wall. Threw back his head and peered over the wall trying to find an end. Can not find it, a soft fog prevents me from seeing very far.
Where was before coming here? I make efforts to remember, but I can not. I think I was born, but I doubt if he had died. A new gust of wind lifts a little fog. I return to find the top of the wall and I seem to glimpse. This far, but not calculating the distance. Are one hundred meters or a kilometer? It is difficult to be certain about something in this nonsense.
try ease my breathing. I still feel stress or pain. I have to climb to the edge of the abyss. It is my only opportunity, during the miracle of being through with the tips of my fingers a material that apparently is strong as steel.
very slowly I draw my right hand. The area yields and equals, to be absolutely smooth again. I raise my hand a few inches and re-enter on the wall. The miracle is repeated and re-assign. I feel a kind of ice cream in the buds tingling. Now comes the crucial moment. I take a walk, left, and pick him up a bit. Okay, back to budge. I raise my left hand and, on these three points of support, I decided to raise the right foot completing the first step up.
Achieved. I have only advanced a few centimeters, but a wave of optimism shakes me. The wind gives me in the face and feel the sweat begins to bathe my back and temples.
suddenly remember my name. Now I have a goal. I know who I am and I want to do. Upload. I repeat the movements of climbing. Everything goes well and gained a little confidence. I miss the grip there is some visible. This wall can not, you can hold you at any point, but it makes me nervous. All points are possible, but no logic. Nothing tells you the way forward and it's all amazing. However, I make an effort to adjust my mind to this "reality."
The wind brings the smell of humidity and, indeed, a few seconds starts to drag, from the bottom, how could it be otherwise way in this crazy world, a very fine rain. I have no idea how this new element can affect the conditions of the wall to which I cling, but if anything I have internalized the rain is not a good companion to a climber. Even the rough wall, it becomes on a slippery surface when wet.
feel within me the urge to hurry to reach the edge of the abyss and myself safe. Climb up as fast as I can. Rain mixed with sweat, and within minutes, my breathing is the limit. I realize I have to stop or I will start to hyper ventilate. And Siu that after hyperventilation is the dizziness and loss of consciousness.
I can not afford to lose consciousness. I hear music coming from behind me. I can not get enough to turn me see something. But somehow I know that back in the distance behind me, there must be another world music impossible compound suspended in nothingness.
The metal bars and electric, I remember something I've heard in my past. When he closed his eyes and left magic power that penetrated every pore of my body and journey through my veins my whole being. I close my eyes for a second and let me fill artificial happiness.
The rain has soaked all my clothes, I returned to reality. I hasten to climbing. Now, using music as a momentum and rhythm. Coordinate movements with the "beats" amazing that my brain registers a split second before my ear to listen effectively. I'm sensing. I know what it will sound in advance.
Center looked up. The border is still far away. There is a moment that I think is even further away than before. Stop a moment and try to calculate the distance, such as a child. Reach out, and placed a finger on the edge and the other just on the edge of my nose. Move back and checking the distance between two fingers. As I had thought, the distance has increased.
Not to do. Suddenly I fall again. This time the drop is several meters, but as surprisingly as it began the fall, finished, and I stop. I panic. My stomach turns and breathing has become an almost untenable. Everything is spinning. I hesitate. A foot and a hand let me out of the wall, and I am sustained only by two points in an increasingly precarious balance.
I'm terrified. Again I desperately grab the wall. I stick to it and close my eyes. I'm like several minutes a cry in my mind makes its way to my understanding. I have to relax. All that is happening is impossible, it is not logical and therefore would not fall because the consequences have terrified me.
begin to understand. There is no logical path to solve my situation. The music back into my body and I am full of energy. Somehow I understand that although this is not a dream (What is a dream?), It is reality (what is reality?. Now music has dominated me completely and I feel quite happy. The muscles in my legs and arms are tense, but not tired despite the alleged effort. A new gust of damp wind clears my mind. Suddenly appears, from a few wisps of mist, a ray of sunshine. Me in the face. The feeling is warm and rejuvenating.
I take a decision. It's crazy. But everything is crazy. Breathe deeply. Just my shoulders and put at the same height feet. Stretch your arms. I climb a little foot for leverage. Push with palms, I place the soles of the feet on the wall. I force the four points and I stand.
Steel, Swabian becomes a smooth layer of grass green. After the initial feeling dizzy on another plane. I feel great happiness. I quietly stood in a meadow. The force of gravity performs work and I hit the ground. I can not fall and I am saved. I few steps, then a little run and then I jumped for joy. The music sounds now very strong and every cell of my body are synchronized with it and vibrate in a symphony intense.
I sit on the floor. Echo head back and let the sun and rain bathed my face. Suddenly I remember how I got here. The answer is simple, trying to find my way.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hand Made Doujinshi Sausaku
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Male And Female Coats Button
5 people, Jana, Joris, Ashley, Judith (all climbing mates and good friends) and the writer. Also from Frankfurt will join us Julia, a friend of Jana with which we have climbed in some other occasion, and probably from Malaga and Almeria two friends more.
We carry backpacks full of climbing gear and, above all, eager to enjoy the beautiful weather in southern Spain and contact with nature. The plan is to climb from Wednesday to Friday, rest on Saturday (probably down to the beach) and climb back from Sunday to Tuesday.
We want to make a couple of days of traditional climbing (placing our own insurance) of various lengths, one-day multi-pitch sport and other sports of a long sought a project. In my case, it was assumed that my goal was to make a first-6c and give a few "hit" a a 7a, but an untimely knee injury, which I still have not fully recovered, has made my confidence and my real possibilities are not at their best. Attempt in any case, enjoy the most of the days, although physically this to demand a lot. Let
camping. Some have chosen to book berths in the house with the camp, but I took my new tent that I bought in late 2008 and, given the rigors of winter, I have yet to build.
Another thing which, incidentally, I hope this week is that someone make me climbing photos. In these two years I have not been able to raise even a dozen of them and end will seem like a lie scale. I want one of these in a good bust, hung from their hands and putting a heel (or both) in the roof to rest and see where is the path.
Tonight I have the last training. I hope I feel good. The escalation is also very mental. If these strong head, the body follows. Or is it vice versa? In any case, today I feel like giving strong be three short hours. And after two full days to rest until Wednesday and reach the jet.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What Is This New Stomache Virus Going Around
However, at the risk of returning to feel that I keep running from one place to another without actually enjoy things that I want to find a new hobby like rock climbing, to be shared with more people, do as a group, but cultural.
Work on the site brings me great satisfaction. Two days a week I devote myself to read about the history of countless countries, I find political situations and investigate its tourist attractions. However, it is a solitary activity. I spend with myself writing in this blog or wherever, and reading. I will continue doing forever, but I do not base my life on hobbies that I locked myself.
The other day I saw a friend (climber), participating in an improvisational play. It was really fun and brought me good memories of the feeling you have uploaded to a scenario discussed in public. The difference is that you did with your friends, plan for fun and comedy, and I sold boring project management consultancy that, with few exceptions, I liked them.
When completed la obra, nos tomamos unas cervezas y el tío estaba pletórico. Feliz. Yo le miraba con una envidia sana y no hacía más que darle vueltas a completar mis actividades semanales con algo similar. Eso sí, tiene que ser algo que, como todas las cosas buenas en esta vida, sea gratis o casi gratis.
Hasta ahora las opciones que se me ocurren son;
1. Hacer algún curso de producción de música electrónica (llevo diciéndolo siglos y no termino de hacerlo)
2. Apuntarme a algún grupo de teatro (aunque aquí tendría problemas con el idioma)
Pero tiene que haber mil cosas más. Muchos de mis amigos de Ámsterdam se dedican a actividades relacionadas con la cultura, design and, in general, creativity, and I'm going to consult. Of course, if someone reading this post have any idea will be well received. Well get to work.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
How Much Would Be Tvs Be On Xmas
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Poptropica - Counterfeit
is curious to be English, spend all day climbing (or thinking about climbing) and living in Amsterdam. Yesterday I was watching entevistas famous climbers like Chris Sharma and David Lama and all speak of Lerida, Huesca, etc. .. as some of the "meccas" the worldwide escalation. For years I lived an hour away from some of the best climbing schools in the world and had no idea.
But while that makes me doubt, still has not arrived yet. Leap over in Spain when I "retire" from this race I'm not sure where. For the moment, to kill the bug, in March one week I jet (Málaga), and this summer a visit to Mallorca is not going to escape.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What Is The Recipe For Fondant
can also consult the guide of Moroccan desert which develops the action of this second trip to Morocco. Morocco
never disappoints.
In just over a week enough time to cross the snowy Atlas behind a snow machine • Remove ¨, crossing their fingers that the car will not crossing back street having an argument with some supposed guardians of a parking nonexistent deflation you have a wheel so you do not leave without pay, sunbathe in a relaxing pool, shooting camels · Pasta ¨ in the desert, hiking in a gorge (the Todra) offers landscapes similar to the barrel the red and hear the muezzin singing while taking a tea Jma to Fna Square.
Starting Essaouira, for two days we ate dinner and great, walk through the medina and bazaar stalls and looked relaxed the waves crashing on the surf from the Portuguese fort walls surrounding the old city. I remembered a little cheaper but in any case, I turned to look like a place where I would go back for the third time, and spend three or four months to make non-stop. I love the smell of ocean that runs through all the alleys of the city swept by the wind.
The stage between Essaouira and Ouarzazate, across the Atlas, allowed us to enjoy a day of pristine blue skies, winding road and wonderful landscapes in which the first stage was dominated by the intensely green forests and the white snow reflecting the sun. Once past the port, the descent into the desert gave us a myriad of hues from deep red clay of the mountains, orange, black and ergs preceding the arrival in Ouarzazate. Dinner with beer and bread spreads in a tagine of chicken with prunes in Chez Dimitri rounds a tiring day but perfect.
De Todra way along the route of a thousand Kasbahs, through the Dades Gorge, we are not prepared for the spectacular Todra, picked up a Berber boy who wanted to reach his people, did a million photos and enjoy another day of sun and warmth, was missing.
Once in Todra, we find, at the end of a rock track about 7 miles that extends into the throat, the festival Le Grand Lodge, where we stayed in a cave and enjoyed the silence of a place magical we thought we were going to be the only guests. At the end we shared it with some French, but we did not care. Went on Tinehir to buy beer and enjoy the evening sky a million stars, sang with Berber workers who ran the place and ate soup, salad and mussaka.
The next day began with a morning trekking. The goal, straight up from the bed of the stream beside which is the hostel to the cliff that rises 800 meters above. There are no roads in this area, or at least I did not know how to find them. The terrain is rocky, shrubby areas, snow and some ice. Views, every spectacular revolt. Finally, in the last 50 meters a small section of wall force me to leave the task unfinished. Although it is very easy, it should not take risks that can spoil the holiday. I came not to scale. Next time. Back at the hostel sweaty and happy, and again fired up to reach Merzouga.
El Camino is more beautiful than the day before, more like the desert he remembered. The small towns that we cover kasbahs full of people smiling and friendly. Of course, when we reach the two that make "door of the desert ¨, kindly give way to bullying. In Erfoud, we bought beers at a hotel, and begin to chase deals on hotels and tours in the desert. In Rissani, where the false guides have removed the sign that indicates how to get to Merzouga, is total harassment and even somewhat aggressive. We arrived in Merzouga late and dark and it cost us a bit finding accommodations, we about to run in the same place where I was on my first visit, but at the last minute are a lot better for a little more money. Dinner with wine.
The next day was very productive. Beginning with a walk of more than three hours in the dunes, just to reach one of the big dunes from which you can see the end of the Erg Chebbi and the border with Algeria. Back, relax muscles, swimming and napping session. Afternoon visit to the lake, which was full of water, has had much rain lately in the area, visit the oasis, buying gifts for children from the village, and climb a dune to watch the sunset. Unfortunately clouds just on the horizon afearon and photos, this time, were not the best. The dinner, with wine again.
The new day, we had to return to Ouarzazate. However, the tour will propose a secondary road that skirted the desert and was much less busy than we came. The views were even better and peoples, including the magnificent Knob, precious. Midway through the afternoon, and when he thought he could not be anything more beautiful, we went into the Draa Valley, where I have to go back and stay a few days camping in the middle of a palm grove. For thirty miles the road winds through mountains orange an endless palm trees, a red river that carries a substantial amount and a host of medieval villages. Back to Ouarzazate, dinner new Chez Dimitri. We are creatures of habit.
and Closing the circle and back to Marrakech. The day dawns cloudy and looking in the mountains we were going to drop what is not written. However, the Moroccans, always optimistic, depending on how you analyze resigned, we were assured ... no, no problem friend, the road is open safe. Shortly after starting the port, we are a caravan of cars and closed barriers. It starts to snow heavily. Everybody out of the car and starts to do analysis brainy on the situation. Deploy maps looking for alternatives, we asked everyone who we met that opinion on whether we have the afternoon today at the port or not. Police say that yes, one hour open, but added with a smile: ¨ inshallah ¨ (God willing). In the end everything goes well and we crossed the mountains along the snow plows.
We spent the night in a riad, after buying gifts at bazaars, dinner in the square and stroll through the gardens of the Koutoubia.
And nothing else. The next morning flight to Madrid and just a short trip but we enjoyed it as if been a long.
Again, the post has left me very long, though I had proposed the opposite. Furthermore, despite that I am reading the collected articles to reverse, offense ¨ ¨, in which no more than using good size blocks keep writing as a cheesy. We're going to do. We can not ask much of anything that is written and published on the fly, so, without correcting or anything. Someday I will go to a faraway place, I will return all texts of this blog and perhaps more time and maturity, I can get something drinkable.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Build A Custom Bmx Online
Within 24 hours I'll be taking a KLM plane at Schipol (Amsterdam) to Madrid and from there the next day, another Iberia carry me back to Marrakech, "the pearl of the south."